Closed Bug 1705300 Opened 3 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Bugzilla Platform OS dropdown selection highlight escapes from dropdown


(Core :: Graphics: WebRender, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr78 --- unaffected
firefox87 --- unaffected
firefox88 --- unaffected
firefox89 --- fix-optional
firefox90 --- fix-optional


(Reporter: yoasif, Unassigned)




(Keywords: nightly-community, regression)


(2 files)

Basic information

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Ensure zoom is set to 133%
  3. Click on second Platform dropdown
  4. Hover over "FreeBSD"

Expected Results:

The highlight showing the hovered item remains inside the popup borders.

Actual Results:

The highlight escapes the border.

9:24.85 INFO: Narrowed integration regression window from [a5872317, 1fbc2d34] (3 builds) to [a5872317, a55a815c] (2 builds) (~1 steps left)
9:24.85 INFO: No more integration revisions, bisection finished.
9:24.85 INFO: Last good revision: a5872317b9a09c03477c9bcc0b03d64f144e624b
9:24.85 INFO: First bad revision: a55a815cbdc834561da11ae8736403774fd1ff8a
9:24.85 INFO: Pushlog:

Attached file about:support
Has Regression Range: --- → yes
Has STR: --- → yes
Regressed by: 1704927

Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1704927

I wasn't able to reproduce this on linux.

Matt, are you trying to edit an existing bug or open a new one? I can't reproduce it for an existing bug. If you still can't reproduce, I can try a fresh profile.

Severity: -- → S3

Emilio, is it possible this is a bug in the non-native theming code when run under WR? We only just enabled WR in pop-ups, so this code might never have been exercised before until now. If you look at Asif's screenshots, it looks like the menu is sized as if there was a scrollbar next to it, but the scrollbar for some reason is not showing up.

In my and Matt's own local attempts to reproduce the bug, neither of us have been quite able to see what Asif is seeing, however. Either the menu seems to take up the full width it should, or there is a scrollbar taking up part of the width, but in no cases can I get the menu to show partial width but without a scrollbar.

Flags: needinfo?(emilio)

The select popup is rendered in the parent process so It shouldn't use the non-native theme.

Comment 1 says Asif is using wayland which uses different / weirder popup sizing. Wayland nightly is broken (bug 1706452), so you probably couldn't reproduce anyways.

I highly suspect this is due to the wayland sizing code. Asif, mind confirming if this works as expected in X11?

Flags: needinfo?(yoasif)

I couldn't repro this even on Wayland with the patch on bug 1706452 though.

Flags: needinfo?(emilio)

Emilio, it works as expected on Xorg.

Flags: needinfo?(yoasif)

I can't reproduce on wayland either so I am marking 89 as fix-optional.

Severity: S3 → S4
Priority: -- → P3

I realized that I have customized my fonts, which may be changing the metrics of the dropdown. I'm using Ubuntu Regular 10 as my UI font in GNOME. I see the issue in the Adwaita and Yaru themes. Does changing your UI fonts make any difference?

Does changing your UI fonts make any difference?

Flags: needinfo?(pascalc)
Flags: needinfo?(pascalc)

I can no longer reproduce this, even when testing in a build from around when this bug was filed. I'm guessing OS updates resolved this somehow.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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