Closed Bug 1706392 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

[wpt-sync] Sync PR 28600 - Move audioparam-nominal-range test to WPT


(Core :: Web Audio, task, P4)




90 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox90 --- fixed


(Reporter: wpt-sync, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [wptsync downstream])

Sync web-platform-tests PR 28600 into mozilla-central (this bug is closed when the sync is complete).

Details from upstream follow.

b'Raymond Toy <>' wrote:

Move audioparam-nominal-range test to WPT

The test audioparam-nominal-range verifies that the nominal range
(min/max): of each AudioParam has the specified values, and that
attempts to set the value outside the min/max range clamps the value
to the nominal range.

The behavior is specified here:

Bug: 1041105
Change-Id: I03f58e3e29aaeff84d764fedd6748fe41baf6eeb
WPT-Export-Revision: 7bcf69edb7e34c02de748ae84c4f732a962e1820

Component: web-platform-tests → Web Audio
Product: Testing → Core

CI Results

Ran 15 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI

Total 1 tests and 380 subtests

Status Summary


OK : 1
PASS: 220
FAIL: 53


OK : 1
PASS: 327


OK : 1
PASS: 327


Gecko CI (Treeherder)
GitHub PR Head
GitHub PR Base


New Tests That Don't Pass

X Set DelayNode.delayTime.value = -1 is not equal to 0. Got -1.: FAIL
X Set DelayNode.delayTime.value = 4 is not equal to 1.5. Got 4.: FAIL
X DelayNode.delayTime was clipped to lie within the nominal range is not equal to true. Got false.: FAIL
X Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of DelayNode are incorrect for: NaN Got false.: FAIL
< [Offline createDelay] 4 out of 10 assertions were failed.: FAIL
X Set StereoPannerNode.pan.value = -3 is not equal to -1. Got -3.: FAIL
X Set StereoPannerNode.pan.value = 3 is not equal to 1. Got 3.: FAIL
X StereoPannerNode.pan was clipped to lie within the nominal range is not equal to true. Got false.: FAIL
X Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of StereoPannerNode are incorrect for: NaN Got false.: FAIL
< [Offline createStereoPanner] 4 out of 10 assertions were failed.: FAIL
X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold.value = -201 is not equal to -100. Got -201.: FAIL
X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold.value = 1 is not equal to 0. Got 1.: FAIL
X DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold was clipped to lie within the nominal range is not equal to true. Got false.: FAIL
X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.knee.value = -1 is not equal to 0. Got -1.: FAIL
X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.knee.value = 81 is not equal to 40. Got 81.: FAIL
X DynamicsCompressorNode.knee was clipped to lie within the nominal range is not equal to true. Got false.: FAIL
X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio.value = 41 is not equal to 20. Got 41.: FAIL
X DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio was clipped to lie within the nominal range is not equal to true. Got false.: FAIL
X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.attack.value = -1 is not equal to 0. Got -1.: FAIL
X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.attack.value = 3 is not equal to 1. Got 3.: FAIL
X DynamicsCompressorNode.attack was clipped to lie within the nominal range is not equal to true. Got false.: FAIL
X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.release.value = -1 is not equal to 0. Got -1.: FAIL
X Set DynamicsCompressorNode.release.value = 3 is not equal to 1. Got 3.: FAIL
X DynamicsCompressorNode.release was clipped to lie within the nominal range is not equal to true. Got false.: FAIL
X Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of DynamicsCompressorNode are incorrect for: NaN Got false.: FAIL
< [Offline createDynamicsCompressor] 15 out of 46 assertions were failed.: FAIL
X BiquadFilterNode.frequency.minValue is not equal to 0. Got -24000.: FAIL
X Set BiquadFilterNode.frequency.value = -1 is not equal to -24000. Got -1.: FAIL
X Set BiquadFilterNode.frequency.value = 48001 is not equal to 24000. Got 48001.: FAIL
X BiquadFilterNode.frequency was clipped to lie within the nominal range is not equal to true. Got false.: FAIL
X BiquadFilterNode.detune.minValue is not equal to -153600. Got -3.4028234663852886e+38.: FAIL
X BiquadFilterNode.detune.maxValue is not equal to 153600. Got 3.4028234663852886e+38.: FAIL
X Set BiquadFilterNode.detune.value = -307201 is not equal to -3.4028234663852886e+38. Got -307201.: FAIL
X Set BiquadFilterNode.detune.value = 307201 is not equal to 3.4028234663852886e+38. Got 307201.: FAIL
X BiquadFilterNode.detune was clipped to lie within the nominal range is not equal to true. Got false.: FAIL
X BiquadFilterNode.gain.maxValue is not equal to 1541.273681640625. Got 3.4028234663852886e+38.: FAIL
X Set BiquadFilterNode.gain.value = 3083.54736328125 is not equal to 3.4028234663852886e+38. Got 3083.54736328125.: FAIL
X BiquadFilterNode.gain was clipped to lie within the nominal range is not equal to true. Got false.: FAIL
X Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of BiquadFilterNode are incorrect for: NaN Got false.: FAIL
< [Offline createBiquadFilter] 13 out of 33 assertions were failed.: FAIL
X Set OscillatorNode.frequency.value = -48001 is not equal to -24000. Got -48001.: FAIL
X Set OscillatorNode.frequency.value = 48001 is not equal to 24000. Got 48001.: FAIL
X OscillatorNode.frequency was clipped to lie within the nominal range is not equal to true. Got false.: FAIL
X OscillatorNode.detune.minValue is not equal to -153600. Got -3.4028234663852886e+38.: FAIL
X OscillatorNode.detune.maxValue is not equal to 153600. Got 3.4028234663852886e+38.: FAIL
X Set OscillatorNode.detune.value = -307201 is not equal to -3.4028234663852886e+38. Got -307201.: FAIL
X Set OscillatorNode.detune.value = 307201 is not equal to 3.4028234663852886e+38. Got 307201.: FAIL
X OscillatorNode.detune was clipped to lie within the nominal range is not equal to true. Got false.: FAIL
X Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of OscillatorNode are incorrect for: NaN Got false.: FAIL
< [Offline createOscillator] 9 out of 19 assertions were failed.: FAIL
X AudioListener has no AudioParams but test expected [object Object] Got false.: FAIL
< [AudioListener] 1 out of 1 assertions were failed.: FAIL

AUDIT TASK RUNNER FINISHED: 6 out of 24 tasks were failed.: FAIL

Pushed by
[wpt PR 28600] - Move audioparam-nominal-range test to WPT, a=testonly
[wpt PR 28600] - Update wpt metadata, a=testonly
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 90 Branch
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