Closed Bug 1708355 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Capital letters in the keyword (last field of the property form) are always saved as lowercase.


(Firefox :: Bookmarks & History, enhancement)

Firefox 88





(Reporter: giacomo.bucci, Unassigned)



User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0

Steps to reproduce:

1- Right-click on a bookmark
2- Select properties.
3- insert a word with some capital letters in the keyword field
4- save.

Actual results:

When you select again properties capital letters are lowercase.

Expected results:

You write JaMes1 and get back james1

How does this create a problem?

See Also: → 1087459

The problem is you can not copy and paste. Must remember which is upper which is lower.

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Firefox::Bookmarks & History' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please revert this change in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → Bookmarks & History

(In reply to from comment #2)

The problem is you can not copy and paste. Must remember which is upper which is lower.

As per bug 1087459, keywords are case insensitive, so I can enter "test" as a keyword but then type "Test", "TEST" or "test" in the address bar and I would still visit the same bookmark.

Can you explain how exactly the copy and paste is affecting you? Are you trying to save extra data alongside the bookmark rather than using it as a keyword?

Flags: needinfo?(giacomo.bucci)

Is it possible you are confusing keywords and tags? Tags are case sensitive, but keywords are not. Their usage is different, we are aware of the confusion and have a long term plan for that.

For non-critical sites requiring a password, the keyword field could be a very good place where to store it. Perhaps this is not the intended usage method, but it is very convenient (just copy and paste).
Giacomo Bucci

Flags: needinfo?(giacomo.bucci)

Hi, I'm resolving this as invalid as this it is not intended for non-keyword information to be stored in that field.

You should either use Firefox's built-in password manager, which is designed to remember and automatically fill in passwords, or you could use one of a range of password manager add-ons, or add-ons that let you store extra data alongside bookmarks. You can find add-ons at

For any password information, critical or non-critical, I would personally recommend storing it in a password manager.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID

Hello dear developers,

I'm still in love with Firefox - unbelievable i opened an account here in 2014 and this is my first post here.
Please appologize, if i don't know the rules for this forum very well and for my bad english.
Although i don't have much time and i'm not a developer, i hope you can see how important this is to me (and i believe to a lot of firefox users) and i hope this is the right place here.
Maybe you should consider reopening this as an "enhancement" not a bug.

Back in those times (2014 - ?) everybody was using folders for organizing bookmarks.
I don't know when, but it must be years ago since i started just using keyword tags instead of folders.
Just try to find the one bookmark you are looking for in a bunch of - let's say just 30 folders with 1 or 2 subfolders....
I don't think i have to explain you the advantages of tagging.

So what's my problem with case-sensitive tags?

Under "Mange bookmarks" the same tag - for example "bug" and "Bug" appear as separate tags.
It's not a big deal for english speaking people because here almost every noun is lower case.
But there are so many languages that write nouns starting with an upper case.

As i wrote these sentences and after my last test, i just realised, that Firefox now is putting those bookmarks in the same "basket" at least.
So if i click on "bug" or if i click on "Bug" in bookmark manager doesn't matter -> it shows me all bookmarks with "bug" and "Bugs".
That was not the case a few month ago and that is great.

Now developers can go on and create useful plugins like this without reinventing the wheel:

The problem is: I use the bookmark manager a lot to reorganize and clean my bookmarks and tags.
At the moment tags here are demoted to folders and have no advantage.

It would be such a huge improvement if there was a possibility in bookmark manager to select more than one tag and show up all bookmarks with these tags. There is a lot of more space to view in the bookmark manager than in the address bar AND another advantage is: you can select a bunch of bookmarks and rename the tags with ease there.
For exaplme i created tags like: "error", "broken" and "bug" in the past -> now i want to put them together in just one collective tag.
At the moment this is very annoying to change...

And next wish i have would probably also be easier to realize with a new plugin or maybe also in the adress bar:
to choose the operator for searching tags with AND, OR and NOT.
For example: find all bookmarks with "error" OR "crash" but NOT with "bugs" .... because bugs are also tiny little animals ;)

The search alone in the address bar is not the problem. The fuzzy logic works very good and finds both: upper and lower case and even tags with spaces in between.

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