Closed Bug 1710044 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

PGP signed message via Topicbox (multipart/signed wrapped into multipart/mixed with strange MIME part) cannot be forwarded inline: original message not inlined (TB 68 with Enigmail, TB 78 and later)


(MailNews Core :: Security: OpenPGP, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tom, Unassigned)



(1 file)

The enclosed message that was sent to tb-planning cannot be forwarded inline in TB 78. It works in TB 89 beta 3.


Component: General → Security: OpenPGP
Product: Thunderbird → MailNews Core

(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #1)


why do you think so?

(In reply to Tom from comment #0)

The enclosed message that was sent to tb-planning cannot be forwarded inline in TB 78. It works in TB 89 beta 3.

Your bug report is very brief. You don't explain what exactly doesn't work.

I tested, and I am able to forward the message. A new message composer is opening in general.
However, the message text isn't shown. Only a header section with email meta information is seen.

In addition, we get a message attachment.

I cannot confirm that it works with c-c. It just looks differently to me. With 78.x, I get an attachment shown in the upper right, and with latest c-c, I see the attachment shown in the bottom part.

Looking at the message structure, it's an OpenPGP signed message. However, it is wrapped in multipart/mixed. At the end of the email, there is an unexpected MIME part, with binary encoding, but which seems mostly empty.

I'm guessing that the topicbox mailing list server adds that MIME structure to the signed emails, I could see it in another email sent to the list, too.

The question is: Why do we show the correct message contents when displaying the message in Thunderbird, but then when forwarding inline, we don't use the same text for the fowarded inline message?

Helpwanted, by an expert of Thunderbird's MIME processing.

(In reply to Kai Engert (:KaiE:) from comment #3)

Your bug report is very brief. You don't explain what exactly doesn't work.

Apologies, that's fixed now.

I tested, and I am able to forward the message. A new message composer is opening in general.
However, the message text isn't shown. Only a header section with email meta information is seen.
In addition, we get a message attachment.

Exactly, "forward inline" means that the message being forwarded should be inlined. Instead we see an attachment.

I cannot confirm that it works with c-c.

Apologies again. We ran it on a profile with TB 89 beta with mail.openpgp.enable set to false. Then it works, otherwise it doesn't. We've also just tried it on a TB 68 installation with Enigmail: Same malfunction.

Looking at the message structure, it's an OpenPGP signed message. However, it is wrapped in multipart/mixed. At the end of the email, there is an unexpected MIME part, with binary encoding, but which seems mostly empty.
I'm guessing that the topicbox mailing list server adds that MIME structure to the signed emails, I could see it in another email sent to the list, too.

Yes, we've seen it on other messages via Topicbox. So forwarding works on "regular" signed messages? You're referring to this part?

Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.508 (Entity 5.508)

This is a multi-part message in MIME format...



That is indeed rather weird.

The question is: Why do we show the correct message contents when displaying the message in Thunderbird, but then when forwarding inline, we don't use the same text for the forwarded inline message?

Indeed. The code paths for displaying and putting together a message for forwarding are different, that can be seen in other bugs where the display is fine, the inlined forwarded message isn't (although not to the extent of not being inlined at all). Since this was already not working in Enigmail, maybe Patrick has seen this and my have some insights. As noted, it works with Enigmail/OpenPGP turned off, so TB's MIME processing is likely not at fault.

Flags: needinfo?(patrick)
Summary: PGP signed message cannot be forwarded inline in TB 78, working in TB 89 → PGP signed message via Topicbox (with strange MIME part) cannot be forwarded inline: original message not inlined (TB 68 with Enigmail, TB 78 and later)

(In reply to Kai Engert (:KaiE:) from comment #2)

(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #1)


why do you think so?

Only because it sounds familiar - but I don't have a bug report to point to

(In reply to Tom from comment #5)

If it's a PGP/MIME message wrapped into a multipart/mixed message, then that message is non-standard and should be treated with special care - it falls under the problematic mails with EFAIL. Enigmail won't try to verify such messages, as you can't be certain that the content that the user gets to see belongs the message part that was PGP/MIME-signed.

Flags: needinfo?(patrick)

FWIW, it's Topicbox that causes it. The mail as originally sent can be forwarded just fine.

If it's a PGP/MIME message wrapped into a multipart/mixed message, ...

multipart/signed wrapped into multipart/mixed, with a very strange "mixed" last part you can see in comment #5.

it's Topicbox that causes it

Yes, see modified summary: "PGP signed message via Topicbox (with strange MIME part) cannot be forwarded inline". We'll modify it some more.

Summary: PGP signed message via Topicbox (with strange MIME part) cannot be forwarded inline: original message not inlined (TB 68 with Enigmail, TB 78 and later) → PGP signed message via Topicbox (multipart/signed wrapped into multipart/mixed with strange MIME part) cannot be forwarded inline: original message not inlined (TB 68 with Enigmail, TB 78 and later)

Let's continue tracking this issue in bug 1731109

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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