Closed Bug 1716603 Opened 3 years ago Closed 2 years ago

[meta] Track results of adding new macOS compact unwinding information to the symbol server


(Toolkit :: Crash Reporting, task)






(Reporter: smichaud, Unassigned)



(Keywords: meta)

As of around 15:40 UTC on 2021-06-14, symbol files containing a new kind of compact unwinding information were uploaded to the Mozilla symbol server. These are for system calls on macOS.

They should improve the quality of macOS crash reports. But there may be side effects. And macOS crash reports may still sometimes be of insufficient quality. This bug is for keeping track of these problems.

I generated these symbol files by manual scraping. So far I've only done this for the latest builds of macOS 11 (11.4, build 20F71), 10.15.7 (build 19H1217) and 10.14.6 (build 18G9216). I used the latest version of Mozilla's Rust-based dump_syms, but only after one of its dependencies, Sentry's Symbolic had been updated to add support for Apple's new "compact unwinding" information.

Keywords: meta
Blocks: 1716611
No longer blocks: 1716611
Depends on: 1716611
Summary: [meta] Track results of adding new macOS compact unwinding information to symbol server → [meta] Track results of adding new macOS compact unwinding information to the symbol server

Here's a current list of crash reports generated using the new compact unwinding information:

Oops, I was wrong. Support on Mozilla trunk for the Apple's new compact unwinding information was only landed yesterday (at bug 1691022)! Apparently the only change needed was to make Mozilla's toolkit use a newer version of Rust (as also now required by Sentry's Symbolic). The following list takes account of this:

Depends on: 1716821

All the dependencies have been closed, can we close this bug Steven?

Flags: needinfo?(smichaud)

That's fine with me.

Flags: needinfo?(smichaud)
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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