Open Bug 1716685 Opened 4 years ago Updated 2 months ago

Cannot access methods in Custom Elements in Addon scripts


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)

Firefox 89



Tracking Status
firefox89 --- affected
firefox90 --- affected
firefox91 --- affected


(Reporter: emarquez, Unassigned)



(4 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.101 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create a basic addon with a script
  • Create a Custom Element in the script
  • Add a method to that custom element
  • Call that method from the custom element constructor
  • Append custom element to page


class FooSayer extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    super();; // is undefined
  foo() { console.log('FOO') } // never gets called
const fooSayer = document.createElement('foo-sayer'); // should console log here

Actual results:

Silently exceptions on not being defined

Expected results:

'FOO' should have been logged in the console

Product: Firefox → WebExtensions


I’m attempting to reproduce the issue however I’m having trouble with building the test add-on.

Would you mind providing a test add-on and more detailed steps to reproduce? Screenshots or screen recordings would also be helpful.

Thank you !

Flags: needinfo?(emarquez)

My apologies. Here is a github Gist including the 3 files necessary in the same directory to make a minimal repro addon which I load via:

about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox > load Temporary Add-on...

Flags: needinfo?(emarquez)

Hello and thank you for the test add-on.

With the add-on loaded via about:debugging, I accessed and opened both the web console and the browser console. I then proceeded to call in the web console, with the following results:

  1. is undefined
  2. “FOO” is not logged in the browser console

For more info check the attached screenshots.

Additionally, the browser console logs the following error when loading the add-on:
“uncaught exception: Unable to load script: moz-extension://07e14e80-49ec-47c0-997e-477f4f39de42/contentScript.bundle.js“

Based on these results, I think I reproduced the issue and will set the report to New. In case of error please revert the changes.
Tested this on the latest Nightly (91.0a1/20210621213500), Beta (90.0b10/20210620185922) and Release (89.0.1/20210614221319) under Windows 10 x64 and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Ever confirmed: true
Attached image 2021-06-22_10h58_36.png
Attached image 2021-06-22_10h58_54.png

I've tried to find if this is a regressions, but it seems this has been happening for years, likely since first shipping custom elements. Which is weird, as I know other extensions have been using them succesfully, but perhaps they just haven't run into this (seemingly common) corner case.

Hey Olli, can you please take a look at what might be going wrong here?

Flags: needinfo?(bugs)

Well, if there is error “uncaught exception: Unable to load script: moz-extension://07e14e80-49ec-47c0-997e-477f4f39de42/contentScript.bundle.js“
(from comment 3), something is going wrong with script loading, no? Or is the exception misleading?

Flags: needinfo?(bugs)

I don't see that exception, only the undefined logged in the web console, and TypeError: is not a function in the browser console.

Flags: needinfo?(bugs)

Also Alex, can you please re-confirm what errors you see in both web console and the browser console while testing this?

Flags: needinfo?(acornestean)


As requested, I’ve checked the logged errors and messages in both the web console and browser console when testing this issue and this is what is being logged at the current moment:

  • web console: undefined logged in the web console when accessing
  • browser console: TypeError: is not a function in the browser console when accessing

See screenshots for more details.

The other error I mentioned in Comment 3 i.e uncaught exception: Unable to load script: moz-extension://07e14e80-49ec-47c0-997e-477f4f39de42/contentScript.bundle.js is nowhere to be seen. Not when loading the test add-on, not when reloading the test add-on, not when accessing the add-on debug console nor when accessing

Tested on the latest Nightly (92.0a1/20210808090543), Beta (91.0/20210804193234) and Release (90.0.2/20210721174149) under Windows 10x64 and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Also tested on the Nightly the uncaught exception error occurred initially and can no longer reproduce the error there. It might have been a fluke. Really sorry for all the trouble around this uncaught exception.

Flags: needinfo?(acornestean)
Attached image 2021-08-09_12h43_33.png
Attached image 2021-08-09_12h52_08.png

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Core::DOM: Core & HTML' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please revert this change in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → DOM: Core & HTML
Product: WebExtensions → Core
Severity: -- → S3

Hey, I just faced this bug, and there are something interesting that the bug does not occur in the moz-extension:// url of the same add-on.
Maybe this will be useful for you.
I am working on Tridactyl, and we just face this bug.
The related commit:

Feel free to contact me if you need more information.
Hope you can resolve this bug soon!

Just to add some further context here, I'm seeing the same issue. Extending the HTMLElement works fine on chrome. On Firefox, in the content script, all class methods/attributes show up as undefined, for example:

class TestTest extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {

  getText() {
    return 'test'

customElements.define('test-test', TestTest)

Will error when creating the element. It does not matter if this is from the content script or browser context. The error happens on creation of an element.

Just normal class creation things like:

class TestTest {
  constructor() {

  getText() {
    return 'test'

Will work fine.

Naturally, just creating the elements from the browser context itself works fine as well. The problem is with extending the HTMLElement from a content script which is completely broken.

I don't think I'm the right person to look into this since I don't know which addon scripts should be exposed to the web pages and how.

Flags: needinfo?(smaug)

This has happened to me :[

A workaround is to make the method private (since those seem to work just fine), and then assign it to a property.

class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    super(); = this.#foo.bind(this); // ← I'm not fully sure if the `.bind()` is necessary
  foo() { console.log("foo!"); }

(In reply to Gavin Morrow from comment #17)

This has happened to me :[

A workaround is to make the method private (since those seem to work just fine), and then assign it to a property.

class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    super(); = this.#foo.bind(this); // ← I'm not fully sure if the `.bind()` is necessary
  foo() { console.log("foo!"); }

In fact you don't need to make it private (or bind it).
You just need to make it a become the instance's own property,
like my work around in tridactyl:

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