Open Bug 1718141 Opened 3 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Add Prompts to help CAs complete their Cases


(CA Program :: Common CA Database, task)


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: kathleen.a.wilson, Unassigned)


Help CAs correctly complete their Cases:

  • Add an “Open Case” list to the CA home page to list their currently open Audit and Root Inclusion Cases with status information about what they need to do.

  • Create a nightly process to automatically run ALV on Audit Cases with Case Progress == Run ALV, and ALV results are empty. After ALV is run, update the Case Progress and assign the Case (using existing logic)

  • Add triggers to empty the ALV result fields whenever the audit URLs or dates have been modified.

  • Send automated reminder email to the CA representative who created/updated the Audit Case, but still has things to do -- weekly? every other week?

Product: NSS → CA Program
Priority: P4 → --
Whiteboard: [ccadb-enhancement]
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