Closed Bug 1718599 Opened 3 years ago Closed 5 months ago

The "Firefox Home" page opens in Facebook container


(Core :: Security, defect)

Firefox 90



Tracking Status
firefox89 --- affected
firefox90 --- affected
firefox91 --- affected


(Reporter: zegkljan, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:90.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/90.0

Steps to reproduce:

  • set the home page as "Firefox Home"
  • have Facebook container allowed
  • open a tab with Facebook - it should be in Facebook container
  • click the "Home" button - that takes you to the "Firefox Home" page

Actual results:

The "Firefox Home" page remains in Facebook container.

Expected results:

The "Firefox Home" page should not be in the Facebook container, as it is not part of Facebook.


I was able to reproduce this issue on Firefox 89 and Firefox Nightly 91.0a1

I'm setting a component in order to get this issue looked at by the development team.

Thank you for reporting!

Component: Untriaged → Developer Outreach
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Unspecified → All
Product: Firefox → WebExtensions

This can be reproduced even without any extension if the user contexts are enabled directly from the about:config prefs.

Personally I do also think that pressing the home button should load the about:home page into a non-containerized tab, but that would be something that the about:home button should take care of (likely from inside the BrowserHome function defined in browser.js).

Moving to the "Firefox :: General" bugzilla component to be triaged from a Firefox Desktop perspective.

Component: Developer Outreach → General
Product: WebExtensions → Firefox

Not sure where container bugs are meant to go.

Component: General → Networking: Cookies
Product: Firefox → Core

Luke, does this look like something we want to e.g. track in GitHub?

Component: Networking: Cookies → Security
Flags: needinfo?(lcrouch)

Personally I do also think that pressing the home button should load the about:home page into a non-containerized tab

:rpl IMO, we shouldn't open it in a non-containerized tab since the user didn't explicitly asked to change context. We should only switch context if the user assigned their homepage to a specific container in the case that they use a custom homepage url. If they use the default New Tab, it should also stick to the current usercontext especially that we'd be open, on the addon side, to support a different homepage per container.

Luke, does this look like something we want to e.g. track in GitHub?

Since it mentions Facebook Container (addon), I'll consider this as a bug that should be moved. We can always re-open a new one if we want to take a decision on the Home button itself.

Closed: 5 months ago
Resolution: --- → MOVED
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