Closed Bug 1720609 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Remove or update probes expiring in Firefox 93: slow_script_warning.shown#shown - browser_parent_process_hang_telemetry.js will fail when Gecko version number gets increased to 93 on 2021-08-09


(Core :: Performance, task, P2)




92 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox-esr78 --- unaffected
firefox90 --- unaffected
firefox91 --- unaffected
firefox92 + verified


(Reporter: telemetry-probes, Assigned: alexical)



(Whiteboard: [probe-expiry-alert])


(3 files)

The following Firefox probes will expire in the next major Firefox nightly release: version 93 [1].


What to do about this:

  1. If one, some, or all of the metrics are no longer needed, please remove them from their definitions files (Histograms.json, Scalars.yaml, Events.yaml).
  2. If one, some, or all of the metrics are still required, please submit a Data Collection Review [2] and patch to extend their expiry. There is a shorter form for data collection renewal [3].

If you have any problems, please ask for help on the #data-help Slack channel or the #telemetry Matrix room at We'll give you a hand.

Your Friendly, Neighborhood Telemetry Team


This is an automated message sent from probe-scraper. See for details.

Moving to the Performance component.

Component: XPConnect → Performance
Assignee: nobody → dothayer
Summary: Remove or update probes expiring in Firefox 93: slow_script_warning.shown#shown → Remove or update probes expiring in Firefox 93: slow_script_warning.shown#shown - browser_parent_process_hang_telemetry.js will fail when Gecko version number gets increased to 93 on 2021-08-09
Priority: -- → P3

Changing the priority to p2 as the bug is tracked by a release manager for the current nightly.
See What Do You Triage for more information

Priority: P3 → P2

I don't see why we would want this to go away. The slow script warning is going
to continue to exist, and I think it's unlikely that we won't ever make changes
to its logic, so it makes sense to continue monitoring it.

Comment on attachment 9234304 [details]
Bug 1720609 - Renew slow_script_warning.shown probe r?Gijs

Request for Data Collection Renewal

** This form is for the renewal of an existing, reviewed data collection.**

** All questions are mandatory.
You must receive Data Review from a
Data Steward
on a filled-out Request before shipping your renewed data collection.**

  1. Provide a link to the initial Data Collection Review Request for this collection.

  2. When will this collection now expire?

  3. Why was the initial period of collection insufficient?
    We will continue to show the slow script warning indefinitely, and we have made changes to its logic in the past and I don't see the current logic as final, so it makes sense that we will want to continue being able to monitor it for changes indefinitely.

Attachment #9234304 - Flags: data-review?(nshadowen)

In future please attach data collection reviews to bugs.

Attachment #9234903 - Flags: data-review?(chutten)
Attachment #9234304 - Flags: data-review?(nshadowen)

Comment on attachment 9234903 [details]
data collection renewal request

Making data collections permanent requires the use of the full Data Collection Review as we need to collect more information for permanent collections (like the individual responsible for it).

Attachment #9234903 - Flags: data-review?(chutten) → data-review-
Attachment #9234951 - Flags: data-review?(nshadowen)

Comment on attachment 9234951 [details]
Request for data collection review

Nicole's on PTO, so I'll step in and stunt for her.


Is there or will there be documentation that describes the schema for the ultimate data set available publicly, complete and accurate?


Is there a control mechanism that allows the user to turn the data collection on and off?

Yes. This collection is Telemetry so can be controlled through Firefox's Preferences.

If the request is for permanent data collection, is there someone who will monitor the data over time?

Yes, Doug Thayer is responsible.

Using the category system of data types on the Mozilla wiki, what collection type of data do the requested measurements fall under?

Category 2, Interaction.

Is the data collection request for default-on or default-off?

Default on for all channels.

Does the instrumentation include the addition of any new identifiers?


Is the data collection covered by the existing Firefox privacy notice?


Does the data collection use a third-party collection tool?


Result: datareview+

Attachment #9234951 - Flags: data-review?(nshadowen) → data-review+
Pushed by
Renew slow_script_warning.shown probe r=Gijs
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 92 Branch
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