Open Bug 1724470 Opened 4 years ago Updated 8 months ago

Produce a single multi-architecture MSIX bundle (`.msixbundle`)


(Firefox :: Installer, enhancement, P3)





(Reporter: nalexander, Unassigned)



Post Bug 1709697 and friends, we produce x86 and x64 MSIX packages. It is possible to combine these MSIX packages into a single multi-architecture .msixbundle. This will require:

  1. support for producing these MSIX bundles
  2. new CI jobs to aggregate the MSIX packages, similar (but simpler, I think) to the fat-aar jobs that aggregate multiple architecture-specific Android AARs into a single multi-architecture Android AARs
  3. support for signing MSIX bundles, which we don't yet know how to approach

This may require doing better with how langpacks are distributed as well: Bug 1721767.

Priority: -- → P3

Removing the block on 1724466, as that work is going to end up getting done well before this. We'll follow-up with additional work for msixbundles if and when this is completed.

No longer blocks: 1724466

mkaply: right now we produce two architecture-specific MSIX packages: x86 and x64. We could produce an aarch64 MSIX, but we don't at this time (Bug 1731140). It is possible to produce just one .msixbundle that incorporates both of these packages; that's this ticket. Do enterprise users need this, or can they manage multiple architectures easily with existing tools?

Flags: needinfo?(mozilla)

They usually have deployment tools that know the destination architectures.

I haven't heard of a requirement for msixbundle specifically.

Flags: needinfo?(mozilla)
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