Closed Bug 1730588 Opened 3 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Firefox will not connect to any website, whether or not it is HTTPS. Each time I get a note" Secure Connection Failed"the note, and I "Try Again" and the page loads.


(Core :: Networking: HTTP, defect)

Firefox 92





(Reporter: robertsloboda, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(2 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:92.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/92.0

Steps to reproduce:

This problem has started within last few weeks after my last auto-update. A few months ago I had changed my security in Firefox to "Enable HTTPS-Only Mode" but normal occasional notices occurred to say the site I am attempting to access is not secure, so I "Try Again" and it did connect. Not it occurs on every web site I try to access.
Since this started I have changed my security under Firefox Security to "Don't enable HTTPS-Only Mode", re-booted the site and the PC, and still no change in this occurrence and the same message.

I'm running: Firefox 91.0.2 (20210823123856)Details Installed on: August 25, 2021, 4:22:45 AM

Actual results:

The second time I try again, it connects and proceeds normally.

Expected results:

I should not get the "Secure Connection Failed" notice on every attempt to go to any site.

This problem does not occur when running AVAST browser.

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Core::Networking' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please revert this change in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → Networking
Product: Firefox → Core

Thanks for the report.
Does this bug occur if you use a new Firefox profile?

Component: Networking → DOM: Security
Flags: needinfo?(robertsloboda)

NO it did not work with the following:

I tried to refresh Firefox Profile back to the original configuration. I closed Firefox and re-opened it and went to without a problem. When I tired to go to a new page, it came back with:

Secure Connection Failed

"An error occurred during a connection to PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem."

Again, this action/problem does not occur in my AVAST browser I'm using on the same Desktop. Also, I confirmed that the above problem also occurs on my Windows laptop.

Flags: needinfo?(robertsloboda)

So worked after you refreshed, but then did not work?
Did continue to not work?

Have you tried with a completely new Firefox profile?

Flags: needinfo?(robertsloboda)

You're not, at this point, using https-only mode according to comment 0 and comment 3 so this is back to a "networking" problem than "DOM: Security". The https-only error page has a "Continue to HTTP site" button, not a "Try Again" button. That's a feature of the general Network Error page.

Does your laptop also have AVAST installed? The AVAST product usually installs a MITM to inspect traffic and it's possible that's not playing well with Firefox. This is an option in AVAST that can be turned off if you dig through settings. Probably worth testing turning that off, or turning off AVAST entirely, and seeing if the problem goes away. If that fixes it we know to focus on a configuration problem (either AVAST, or Firefox proxy/cert settings). If it doesn't fix it we'll need to keep looking for other reasons.

Could it be something interfering with DOH or HTTP/3, with the reload triggering a fall-back?

Component: DOM: Security → Networking: HTTP

Sorry for the late response, I have been busy on other things.
I did not have AVAST browser on my laptop so I installed it today. The AVAST browser does not have the same problem as the Firefox browser. On both the laptop and my desktop this happens:

  • When I start both devices, my home page starts,
  • It loads properly, I can access some articles that are on the home page with no problems.
  • When I try to access a website where there is a link that goes to an outside site, the note I get shown above comes up, "Try Again" is at the bottom of the page.
  • I hit the "Try Again" button and Firefox takes me to that website. Also, after that, anytime I try to access that particular website (Example AP articles can be accessed easily under the page and is shown in the header. However, if I'm in an AP article and I try to access a new site where the header has then I get the error shown above. Again, I successfully access the AP site and I want to go to a new AP article/webpage, I can link without a problem.
  • The above occurs on all the sites I tested.

Note, any DOH, HTTP/3 etc. issues are above my knowledge and I'll need a detailed explanation as to how to correct any issues you find.
Also, did others have the same problem I am having?

Flags: needinfo?(robertsloboda)

PS: Note, again I do not see this issue when working in AVAST browser for either the laptop or desktop.

Could you try to get a http log when connecting to other website?

Flags: needinfo?(robertsloboda)

I tried uploading the file, but it is 105MB, the max is 10 MB?
Is there a different way to upload?

Flags: needinfo?(robertsloboda)
Attached file StructuredQuery.log

I uploaded the structured query log file

(In reply to from comment #9)

I tried uploading the file, but it is 105MB, the max is 10 MB?
Is there a different way to upload?

Could you try to compress the log and upload again? If it's still too big, you could send it to my email directly.

Flags: needinfo?(robertsloboda)
Attached file

zip file attached.

Flags: needinfo?(robertsloboda)

Thanks for the log.
I saw two security errors: 0x805a2fca (SSL_ERROR_RX_UNEXPECTED_APPLICATION_DATA) and 0x805a2fda (SSL_ERROR_RX_MALFORMED_ALERT).
I think this could be caused by some kind of antivirus software or mitm proxy.
Please take a look at the following links and see if it helps.

I started to look at the links provided and started to run some malware program suggested. Some files/etc. were quarantined and now I'm getting BSOD!

So, I think I reversed the BSOD issue and I'm not going to pursue any other malware program reviews. I'm just going to not use Firefox............
So, close out this bug if you want or give me a better method to solve this problem......


(In reply to Kershaw Chang [:kershaw] from comment #13)

Thanks for the log.
I saw two security errors: 0x805a2fca (SSL_ERROR_RX_UNEXPECTED_APPLICATION_DATA) and 0x805a2fda (SSL_ERROR_RX_MALFORMED_ALERT).
I think this could be caused by some kind of antivirus software or mitm proxy.
Please take a look at the following links and see if it helps.

Dana, do you probably have any idea here?
Is there anything we can do? Thanks.

Flags: needinfo?(dkeeler)

Try disabling avast's https connection scanning?

Flags: needinfo?(dkeeler) → needinfo?(robertsloboda)

@reporter: I assume disabling avast worked?
Please reopen if it didn't. Thanks!

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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