Open Bug 1734588 Opened 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

eID unsupported


(SeaMonkey :: Web Compatibility, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: u681311, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.16; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/

Steps to reproduce:

several government websites are to use an eID (electronic identity card).
when trying with SeaMonkey Navigator, it always failes.
when using Mozilla Firefox, the pin code of the card is asked.

Actual results:

faliling with SeaMonkey Navigator, working with Mozilla Firefox

Expected results:

since everything is up to date, it should be possible with SeaMonkey Navigator as well

@reporter, please:
a) Contribute a problem related step by step instruction containing every 
   key press and every mouse click how to reproduce your problem due to the Bug Writing Guidelines
b) Attach screenshots with comments if you believe that that might explain the problem better than a text comment. Best way is to insert your screenshots into a OOo or LibreOffice DRAW document and to add comments that explain what you want to show (attach .png or PDF from source document)
c) add information:
c2) concerning your SM localization (UI language, Locale setting)
c3) SM settings that might be related to your problems.  
c5) Whether problem persists in Safe Mode without add-ons
c6) Whether problem persists with blank new profile
c7) everything else crossing your mind after you read linked texts
**d)  An URL for a web page where you observe the problem. **

Flags: needinfo?(bugszila)
Component: General → Web Compatibility

Which EID have you tried to use (i.e. from which country/government), and which steps, if any, have you followed to enable it in Firefox and SeaMonkey?

Using EIDs sometimes requires manually loading a library/module in SeaMonkey and Firefox. See, for example, page 10 of the FINEID instructions for Mac at [1]. When the required modules (if any) have been loaded/added and the card is present, it should show up in the "Security Modules and Devices" list (page 11). (To open the "[security] device manager" - which has this list - in SeaMonkey: open the Preferences dialog and then select Privacy&Security->Certificates in the left side tree and click "Manage Security Devices".)


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