Closed Bug 1736051 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

[wpt-sync] Sync PR 31271 - Assert that color-scheme meta tag doesn't create a pres hint.


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, task, P4)




95 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox95 --- fixed


(Reporter: wpt-sync, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [wptsync downstream])

Sync web-platform-tests PR 31271 into mozilla-central (this bug is closed when the sync is complete).

Details from upstream follow.

Emilio Cobos Álvarez <> wrote:

Assert that color-scheme meta tag doesn't create a pres hint.

This tests the spec change in

PR 31271 applied with additional changes from upstream: 705c808e7a972bc3454f1842cd73f1e85ee31818
Component: web-platform-tests → DOM: Core & HTML
Product: Testing → Core

CI Results

Ran 11 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI

Total 10 tests and 1 subtests

Status Summary


OK : 10
FAIL: 22


OK : 10
PASS: 10
FAIL: 12


OK : 10
FAIL: 22


Gecko CI (Treeherder)
GitHub PR Head
GitHub PR Base


New Tests That Don't Pass

Meta color-scheme initially 'dark'.: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Removed name attribute from meta color-scheme.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Set meta name to color-scheme.: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Set content attribute of meta color-scheme to empty string.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Set content attribute of meta color-scheme to an invalid value.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Set content attribute of meta color-scheme to 'light'.: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Set content attribute of meta color-scheme to 'dark'.: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Removed the content attribute of meta color-scheme.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Meta color-scheme with empty content attribute has no effect.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Tree order decides which meta color-scheme applies.: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Initial color-scheme: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Inserted meta color-scheme applies: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Inserted meta color-scheme before existing in head applies: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Meta color-scheme without content attribute has no effect.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Meta color-scheme applies.: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Initial value after removing head including meta color-scheme.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
First meta applies.: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Second meta applies after first one is removed.: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Initial color-scheme with both meta elements removed.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Meta color-scheme in body should apply.: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Meta color-scheme in head applies.: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Meta color-scheme in shadow tree does not apply.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)

Pushed by [wpt PR 31271] - Assert that color-scheme meta tag doesn't create a pres hint., a=testonly [wpt PR 31271] - Update wpt metadata, a=testonly
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 95 Branch
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