Open Bug 1739070 Opened 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago

Place event list drop shadows at the end of the list, or with the same ordering as the other events.


(Calendar :: Calendar Frontend, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: henry-x, Unassigned)


Currently, if you drag an event over an allday header in the multiday views, or over a day box in the multiweek views, we show an "dropshadow" at the start of the list.

However, showing the drop shadow at the end of the list might be more intuitive and would no longer cause the existing events to 'jump'. Or we could place the shadow where the event would be in the ordering if it were dropped.

To implement this well, we would need to make sure that when the lists would overflow, we auto-scroll them such that the drop shadow is visible. If the drag is successful, we should scroll to where the event actually ends up in the ordering. And if the drag leaves, we should restore the previous scroll position.

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