Closed Bug 17392 Opened 25 years ago Closed 2 months ago

needlessly creating nsMsgMailSession while running editor


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect, P3)

Windows NT





(Reporter: warrensomebody, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail])

Akkana Peck did this:

  apprunner -edit
  (typed a few characters, did Debug->Output HTML, then quit)
  ^D (to end the script)

and said:

   Why do we create a nsMsgMailSession?  We're not leaking it, but it seems
   strange that we have it at all.

Scott, can you investigate?

[PTD team: we don't know the extent of the memory bloat due to this yet. We
just know it's unnecessary.]
Assignee: mscott → putterman
Scott, I was planning on removing this code once dp had his xpcom shutdown
observer stuff cooking.

The mail session should be a listener on the xpcom shutdown call and then we can
write out the folder cache.

That should allow us to take out the offending code from the bootstrap code.

I thought this was pretty low priority and haven't bothered looking into doing
that yet.

I just read in a posting that you've also looked at this and that you were
planning on fixing it.

Re-assigning to you =).
For everyone's info, Bug 17712 talks about the changes that are going to be made
to get shutdown working correctly in mailnews.
this no longer has anything to do with the bootstrap code. That's all been
fixed.  Now the problem is that we are saving off mail uris in localStore.rdf
and when rdf reads it in it creates a mail resource. This will go away when we
fix the way resources work.
Target Milestone: M13
Target Milestone: M13 → M14
M16. Changing the way resources work is too scary for B1
Target Milestone: M14 → M16
What is the "way resources work", and if this is scary now, will it be less-so 
in M16?
It'll be scary whenever I do it :)

Right now mail objects can be QI'd into RDFResources and vice-versa.  This 
dependency causes problems such as this bug.  Waterson did some work a while ago 
that would let me remove this dependency but it will touch a lot of code in 
mailnews and is pretty risky.  It will always be this way, but I don't think now 
is the right time to do it since it doesn't cause any major bugs.
Target Milestone: M16 → M18
moving to future milestone. I'm not changing the way mail resources work in this 
Target Milestone: M18 → Future
nominating mail3 and reassigning to sspitzer.
Assignee: putterman → sspitzer
Keywords: mail3
removing nomination and marking as dependent on 20222.  I'm 99% sure this will 
get fixed if 20222 is fixed.
Depends on: 20222
Keywords: mail3
Any progress on this?
Any progress on this yet?
thank you for volunteering, please build and run the tests in comment 0 and
report back.

you can skip |script|, and read |apprunner| as |mozilla|.
Assignee: sspitzer → warpozio
putterman in comment #10:
> removing nomination and marking as dependent on 20222.  I'm 99% sure this will 
> get fixed if 20222 is fixed.

bug 20222 got duped to bug 211804, which I can't set as a blocker. 
211804 is about ?_____?
QA Contact: sujay → editor
part of the shutdown story?  I can't see bug 211804 except one would guess it's about RDF, so that's it for me.
when we stop using rdf, then, this should go away, though we might have to do something to insure that localstore.rdf is cleared, or not loaded.
Whiteboard: [platform-rel-Google] [platform-rel-Gmail]
platform-rel: --- → ?
platform-rel: ? → ---

The bug assignee didn't login in Bugzilla in the last 7 months, so the assignee is being reset.

Assignee: warpozio → nobody
Severity: normal → S3

nsMsgMailSession is no longer in our editor code.

Closed: 2 months ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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