Open Bug 1741991 Opened 3 years ago Updated 9 months ago

ChatZilla: "Remember passwords" settings no more respected in v2.53.10


(SeaMonkey :: Chat, defect)

SeaMonkey 2.53 Branch


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: metsa, Unassigned)


Steps to reproduce:

I updated SeaMonkey 2.53.9 to 2.53.10, which comes with a new version (0.10) of ChatZilla. "Remember Passwords" is disabled in my settings (Edit -> Preferences), and previously, Chatzilla doesn't try to remember passwords.

Actual results:

ChatZilla 0.10 tries to remember a channel key, for example when you typed
/join #channel key
It at least asks if the user wants it to remember the password, but the answer by default is "Yes".

Expected results:

Since "Remember Passwords" is (globally) disabled, ChatZilla should not remember any password. It shouldn't even ask, as the user's preference is clearly "Don't remember passwords."

The way it is now, assuming that someone can abuse my computer, there is a risk that they could join a private, keyed channel without knowing the key. This behavior did not exist in older versions of SeaMoenky/ChatZilla.

Component: General → Chat

This feature is rather pointless anyway. Even if I explicitly choose "No" (don't remember the channel key) and even if the global settings are "Always clear my private date when I close SearMonky", the key is still remembered as "command history": anyone can easily see (and potentially steal) my key if they can touch my Chatzilla, by typing up-allow key repeatedly to see what I previously typed.


even if the global settings are "Always clear my private DATA when I close SeaMonky"

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