Bug 174314
Opened 22 years ago
Closed 22 years ago
Pop-up window height is incorrect
(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: bob.clews, Assigned: samir_bugzilla)
Pop-up windows height is rendered less than the 'height' attribute, width is OK
Version is:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.2a) Gecko/20020910
What is the URL of the problem (where did it happen and how do you make it happen)?
I first noticed that this happens on my website, but since then I've noticed it
on other sites that use pop-up windows. My URL is - if
you click on the guestbook link the image is cut off on the 'SGN BOOK' 'RESET
FORM' buttons. More importantly, if you select one of the photo galleries from
the site menu, then click on one of the images to enlarge it, the resulting
window cuts off around 25% of the photo height, at the bottom. These pop-ups
work OK in all other browsers that I've tried (IE5/6, Netscape4/5/6, Opera6)
Comment 4•22 years ago
The browser will comply with the requested values/settings of
outerWidth/outerHeight, width/height and innerWidth/innerHeight as long as no
part of the content area would get outside the view of the user. If that ever
happens, then the popup window will be resized and be given the
screen.availWidth/availHeight dimensions or (if given available space) the popup
will be repositioned to the leftmost/topmost location/coordinates where all of
the content area can be viewed.
This is for security reasons.
You say that NS 4 and NS 6 do not have this problem: I would be very much
surprised if they do not display the same behavior as in Gecko/20020910. At the
very least, NS 4.x, NS 6.x and NS 7 all have the same security behavior
regarding size of window and not allowing any part of the content area to be
masked or hidden outside the view of the user. Some chrome elements (like
statusbar and scrollbars of the popup window can get masked by the window
taskbar though).
To validate this explanation, try to open your guestbook popup with the same
settings but with a higher screen resolution. Here, with a screen resolution of
800x600, the popup gets cut off by about 25%.
In your open() call, you also wrongly code this."gbook/gbook.html,book,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,width=600,height=550,left=95,top=0")
top and left are not supported in NS 4+ and Gecko-based browsers.
You can give up to 3 string parameters to your open call. Here you give only 1.
This is how your call should be edited:"gbook/gbook.html" , "book",
Netscape 4.79 & 6.2 definitely display both guestbook and photograph windows
correctly. The calls DO have 3 string parameters, where did you
see only 1 string ?
Another site that displays the same behaviour is
Comment 6•22 years ago
I saw this in your code. I still see it.
<a href="#2"
<img src="gifs/turnbook.gif" border="0" vspace="0" title="Please Sign my
Guestbook" alt="Guestbook"><br>
<div class="text">Guestbook</div></a>
Nomatica sites uses 3 strings:
function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0,winName,features);
An height of 575 (that is 575 for the content area, the browser viewport) will
for sure exceed the screen.availHeight on Windows (I have 800x600 and visible
taskbar, no auto-hide) since the titlebar (and the statusbar as well if Scripts
& plugins settings request it) has to be displayed. Therefore, the popup will be
positioned at screenY = 0 and the popup is likely to be truncated.
Nomatica does not use 3 strings at spots like this (notwithstanding blank spaces
within one of the string! this is know to cause layout/display problems):
<a href="javascript:var'',
'certificat', 'width=620,height=382', 'toolbar=no,location=no, directories=no,
status=yes, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, dependent=yes');">
What is a browser to do if the required height + requested chrome elements (or
outerHeight) exceed the screen.availHeight ? and at the same time, comply with
the security requirements? The popup window will be truncated, must be truncated
I have just ftp'd my navbar.htm file from the server, this is the code that I
have cut & pasted from it:
<a href="#2" onClick =
<img src="gifs/turnbook.gif" border=0 vspace=0 title="Please Sign my Guestbook"
<div class="text">Guestbook</div></a><br>
<a href="">
<IMG SRC="gifs/email10.gif" BORDER=0 ALT=""></a><br>
As you can see this is different from what you posted, how are you viewing the
Comment 8•22 years ago
Bob, I viewed your source-code with a very recent build. In Mozilla 1.2 beta
(2002101612) as well, I see only 1 string but I admit that with other browsers,
I see 3 strings. Not really my fault... So you were right on this point. But the
remaining points are still valid. (content area not being masked or hidden for
safety reasons; I need to check top and left... references do not say it's
supported in NS 4+). Is the problem you see the same when using a higher resolution?
When I go to your site, I see the "SIGN BOOK" and "CLEAR FORM" buttons but not
the bottom of the guestbook popup window (the statusbar is masked and about 16
pixels of the content area - the equivalent of the height of the titlebar - is
masked, hidden by the window taskbar) and not the bottom end of the content area.
I tried the photos; I enlarged 3 photos from your photo galleries and the popup
displayed accordingly, without any cutting off.
I think you need to create a test case of the problem you see, a reduced case,
enlightening the bug you see and give details (your resolution, os setting
regarding taskbar if that's relevant,etc.). Reproducibility and good solid
working test case are important factors so that bugs can be eradicated. I'm sure
you can do a testcase on your site. Maybe you'll need to create a snapshot of
what you see.
Anyway, you need to isolate the problem from other factors (no frame, no applet,
just valid HTML code, supported features in the open call) which could intervene
in the behavior you see.
Comment 9•22 years ago
top and left are supported window features in the 3rd argument of
method in Mozilla 1.2beta and in NS 7: so this is news to me as it is not
documented anywhere. And top and left have precedence over screenX and screenY.
Reporter | ||
Comment 10•22 years ago
The same problem occurs at 800x600 and 1024x768.
I've created a page which has just one pop-up on it, it displays an enlarged
version of a photograph. If you check the larger photo's properties you'll see
that it's a 591x401 pixel image, that is the size that the pop-up should be but
the link is:
Comment 11•22 years ago
Your open() call was:"image.htm?photos/fo108.jpg", "mypage1",
and the content area of the popup window was precisely 591w. x 401h. while using
XP Pro SP1, build 2002101908 at a 800 x 600 scr. res.: your test case WFM. There
was no cut off of the window's height over here.
Comment 12•22 years ago
Bob, I've been working on a meta-testcase for the last 10 days or so. You can
try it with Windows 98 and see if you can reproduce the bug you saw.
At the bottom of that page (the 4th link), there is a Netscape reference
pointing to a .gif image indicating that popup windows cannot be opened with a
part of the content area outside the browser viewport.
Reporter | ||
Comment 13•22 years ago
This is really weird, I used the test case you created and it worked OK on my
home PC. I then tried the pop-ups on my website and now they're working. I
wonder if there was something lurking in Java cache which your test case removed.
Comment 14•22 years ago
mrk as wfm per reporter comment
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
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