Multiple Decipher buttons (PGP badly handled)
(MailNews Core :: Security: OpenPGP, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: bugzilla, Unassigned)
(2 files)
Steps to reproduce:
An umpteenth PGP bug to be added to the semi‐functional PGP bug heap since Enigmail has been kicked out without a good solution.
I sent an encrypted email from Thunderbird.
My recipient uses the Gmail web interface. He replied and encrypted his email with Mailvelope.
When I open this reply in Tb, I get a long list of the same warning with the same button: see screenshot.
To add insult to injury, old or new Android email software (namely R2Mmail2 or FairMail) have no problem dealing with this email format, unlike TB.
Expected results:
I reckon we should see the decrypted email.
In the worst case, just a single warning and one Decipher button which allows us to look further.
Since the original email was squished at the bottom, I provide a screen shot of the bottom of the email as shown by TB.
Updated•3 years ago
Comment 3•3 years ago
IIRC there was another report about this.
Which one? If none, can you assign it to a developer to be mended?