Open Bug 1746815 Opened 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago

RFP: only return the first language in header and navigator.languages


(Firefox :: Settings UI, enhancement)

Firefox 97




(Reporter: thorin, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


Steps to reproduce:

The Issue

When a user has multiple languages, such as adding additional ones and where order matters, this adds entropy to the fingerprint in both the Accept-Language header and in navigator.languages.

RFP currently only caters for asking users if they would like to spoof as English when they are not already en* and when accepted, it sets languages to en-US,en (and flips another pref to preserve en-US locale for formatting) - this is not perfect either, see Bug 1671850 (spoof_english misses some languages, it should check for en-US,en) and Bug 1746668 (why only protect en-US locale for formatting)

Actual results:


Example: multiple languages set such as en-US, en, fr-FR

Only return the first language when RFP is enabled in

  • navigator.languages
    • return en-US [this is what android returns]
    • instead of en-US,en,fr-FR
  • Accept-Language
    • return en-US [this is what android returns]
    • instead of en-US,en;q=0.7,fr-FR;q=0.3
    • Note: the q-factor weighting becomes obsolete

Note: Bug 1653338 where android returns en-US but desktop returns en-US,en

Doesn't cover

Users changing the order from say en-US,en to en,en-US
Users removing en-US and only leaving en?

I consider this out of scope of this ticket unless it would lead to breakage, or could be easily factored in


None. Gated behind non-facing RFP pref

Expected results:



Additional data:

  • I wasn't able to find any information about Firefox reducing the granularity of accept-language. Not sure where i got that idea, maybe i was conflating with Tor (or enabling non-default features in Firefox)
  • Safari seems to only, by design, report the most preferred language, as an intentional anti-fingerprinting strategy:

Safari doing so makes me think this is likely to have acceptable WebComapt implications. [snip]

Component: Untriaged → Preferences

title: Who Touched My Browser Fingerprint?: A Large-scale Measurement Study and Classification of Fingerprint Dynamics

Table 1, page 5: static values' distinct groups

  • font list 115k
  • user agent 41k
  • plugins 16k (not a FF issue)
  • language header 14k
  • canvas 14k
  • GPU renderer 5.7k
  • GPU type 5k
  • pixel ratio 2k
  • language list 1.2k
  • audio 114

Hello! Thank you for submitting this issue. I will mark this issue as NEW in order for our developers to look more into it and take this issue into consideration on further firefox releases.

Have a nice day!

Ever confirmed: true
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