Closed Bug 17513 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Dialogs that popup modal dialogs don't close correctly


(Core :: XUL, defect, P3)






(Reporter: slogan, Assigned: danm.moz)


Problem is a dogfood bug in IM, so I am marking it so here. I've attached simpler xul files to help debug the problem. The issue is we have a dialog that can, via a toolbar button, display a simple modal dialog. If that occurs, closing the dialog (the one the pops up the modal) is buggy. If the modal dialog is not used, the close works as expected. The file main.xul has a button, that when clicked, brings up the dialog (dialog1.xul) and, in dialogs1's onload handler, the modal dialog that causes problems (dialog2.xul) is displayed. Dismiss the modal dialog, then use the file menu close item (the quit item is an artifact of my using an overlay for the menu) to close the dialog. The background of the dialog will clear, but the dialog itself will remain. If you comment out the onload handler code that brings up dialog2.xul, you will notice that the close menu item works just fine. Some notes: I haven't tried this bug on Windows but our IM bug was originally filed on Windows, now we seem, according to QA, to only see it on Linux. The point is it seems to rear its head on one or the other platform, for now, looks like Linux is the best bet. Other thing is I seem only able to traverse the file menu with arrow keys, clicking on the close menu item does nothing. But arrow keying to the item and hitting return works. This is not a problem in the IM situation, and I believe it has no relevance to the bug at hand.
adding myself and scalkins to cc: list.
Target Milestone: M13
Depends on: 16310
Sure looks like a duplicate of 16310. But it looks deliberate, too, so I'm just linking them and leaving them both open for now.
Closed: 25 years ago
No longer depends on: 16310
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
I don't see the described behaviour any longer, now that bug 16310 has been fixed. Since the descriptions of these two bugs sound very similar, and the source files for reproducing 17513 are even attached to the report for 16310, I'm closing this one as a duplicate. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 16310 ***
This is indeed looks like a dup to me. The orginial cooment even appears exactly in 16310.
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