Closed Bug 1752340 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Nightly is incorrectly using Firefox release branding and icons under Linux


(Websites ::, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mac198442, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0

Steps to reproduce:

Running Nightly results in using the release branding

This is a documentation bug this is the exact same issue I reported in bug 1751702 but I am not permitted to reopen that bug. This is a documentation issue in order to avoid this bug under Linux/Wayland it is necessary to specify the undocumented -- name option on the command line to launch the browser and have it match the corresponding name= line in the desktop entry. This is not documented anywhere, nor is the existence of a --name CLI parameter documented here

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

I just cc'd everyone who either closed the previous bug or suggested I use undocumented features to work around it.

(In reply to mac198442 from comment #1)

This is a documentation bug [...] This is not documented anywhere, nor is the existence of a --name CLI parameter documented here

It seems like this should've been moved to Websites :: rather than closed as a duplicate of a product bug.

Oh and i kind of see perhaps Wayland has some kind of thing where can only display the correct icon if there is a desktop file, but why is it displaying the firefox icon rather than a unknown app icon and why is it changing the application name shown on the topbar form Nightly to firefox? where is it getting that name form that must be coming from something the application is doing.

So I think there is still a product bug but the product gods have already ruled on this.

SO this is closed also? you guys just really are not interested in fixing bugs at all.

(In reply to Gingerbread Man from comment #4)

(In reply to mac198442 from comment #1)

This is a documentation bug [...] This is not documented anywhere, nor is the existence of a --name CLI parameter documented here

It seems like this should've been moved to Websites :: rather than closed as a duplicate of a product bug.

Okay we can do that. Seems like Danny Colin is maintaining that page.

Component: Untriaged →
Ever confirmed: true
Product: Firefox → Websites
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Version: Firefox 98 → unspecified

FWIW the --name command argument is not implemented by Firefox, it's implemented by GTK and it is documented in places like:

Well then the page I referenced needs to document that as additional options are doumented here!

So a section on platform specific options.

Closed: 2 years ago2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED

OK but still does not say there is any reason why you should specify a --name that equals a name= in your desktop file.

It also does not help that you need to scroll to find the Linux specific CLI parameters.

Bsck in the paper days we used to call this below the fold.

(In reply to mac198442 from comment #13)

OK but still does not say there is any reason why you should specify a --name that equals a name= in your desktop file.

That is common to all GTK apps unfortunately. Probably should be documented somewhere but not on that wiki page.

I totally agree with emilio. I created this page (as a unpaid volunteer) based on information on mozillaZine website and I only added options specific to Firefox on purpose.

However, I'm totally open to add a note like the one emilio just added to refer to any external documentation that could be useful for platform-specific options.

Finally, you're more than welcome to propose changes directly on the wiki page (it's open) or to create a new page specific for Gtk app options and link it to the Firefox Command Line Options.

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