Open Bug 1754233 (interop-2022) Opened 3 years ago Updated 9 months ago

[meta] Interop 2022 tracking


(Web Compatibility :: Tooling & Investigations, task)


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: annevk, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Keywords: meta)

This is a tracking bug for things we should either consider testing as part of Interop 2022 (if they fit in a focus area) or raise as part of the investigate areas.

Type: defect → task
Summary: Interop 2022 → Interop 2022 tracking
Depends on: 903746
Alias: interop-2022
Summary: Interop 2022 tracking → [meta] Interop 2022 tracking
No longer depends on: 903746

What's the difference between this bug and bug 1749421?


Flags: needinfo?(annevk)

It seems that bug is about improving our score. This bug is about using Interop 2022 to improve webcompat.

Flags: needinfo?(annevk)
See Also: → interop2022

But improving web compatibility is required for improving the score. If I understand you correctly, this is about fixing bugs that cause compatibility issues in the areas tracked by Interop 2022 while the other one is for tracking the overall improvement of the score including bug fixes and new features. If that assumption is correct, this one should rather be blocking bug 1749421.

As a concrete example, should bug 1759675 (as part of the Viewport Units focus area) be blocking this one or the other one or both?

Currently, the summaries and aliases of these two bugs are too similar to clearly distinct them, in my opinion.


This isn't about fixing bugs. This is about collecting webcompat bugs that need to be fed back into Interop 2022 in some way. Either through its investigate areas or as additional tests for one of the focus areas.

Depends on: 1885575
No longer depends on: 1885575
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