Closed Bug 1755728 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Delete Download availability


(Firefox :: Downloads Panel, defect, P2)

Firefox 98



100 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox-esr91 --- disabled
firefox97 --- disabled
firefox98 --- wontfix
firefox99 --- wontfix
firefox100 --- fixed


(Reporter: aflorinescu, Assigned: aminomancer)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Affected versions

  • Firefox 98 beta 4
  • Nightly 99.0a1

Affected platforms

  • all

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download a small file from link
  2. Wait for the download to complete, then right click and delete.
  3. Download a bigger file link
  4. While downloading, cancel the download, then right click and delete.
  5. Download a bigger file link
  6. While downloading, pause the download, then right click and delete.
  7. On one of the above deleted downloads, right click and delete.

Expected result
2. Download is deleted, the download panel states that successfully - see enh. File deleted from Downloads Panel contextual menu should have a different UI from the one deleted from disk
4. Delete is not available.
6. Download is deleted, the download panel states that successfully - see enh. File deleted from Downloads Panel contextual menu should have a different UI from the one deleted from disk
7. Delete is not available for already deleted (file missing/moved) downloads.

Actual result
2. File moved or missing is displayed under the file name, same as when the file is removed from disk (see bug 1755570).
4. Nothing happens, delete option shouldn’t be available in this case.
6. Download is paused with this scenario, resume won’t work. -> Logging this separately since maybe we might want to have a retry for a deleted download ?!?
7. Nothing happens, delete option shouldn’t be available in this cases.

Regression range

  • Not a regression
Blocks: 1755729

Firefox 98 shipping soon, updating flags to reflect the status quo.

Priority: -- → P2

I'm gonna close this since bug 1755570 eliminates the unexpected results. Now a download will be fully canceled before deletion, which prevents any affordances for resuming or deleting, etc. So for step 2, it will say "File deleted". For step 6, the resume affordance won't be shown. Any canceled download should only have a "Delete" menu item if some kind of error during the cancel caused the part files to not be fully removed.

I'm gonna make an enhancement request for retrying downloads that were deleted or canceled in previous sessions. That may be a big patch because it touches a lot of areas. But I would like it if we add the "retry" ability to as many conditions as possible. At least, we can try not to purposefully foreclose on that ability when using "Delete" etc.

Maybe we can add a less costly way to retry a download so that it will work for history downloads and not just canceled session downloads, as long as they have a download URI that can be saved in the places metadata. Along with finding a way to cancel & delete a download and update its UI representation, all without nuking the saver, that would allow the user to do a lot more via the downloads view.

Assignee: nobody → shmediaproductions
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
See Also: → 1745624
Target Milestone: --- → 100 Branch
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