Closed Bug 1757425 Opened 3 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Microphone noise rapidly increases to unusable levels, website independent


(Core :: WebRTC: Audio/Video, defect)

Firefox 97



Tracking Status
firefox99 - wontfix
firefox100 --- affected


(Reporter: georg.hartmann, Assigned: padenot, NeedInfo)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(3 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:97.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/97.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Enable access to microphone on any website
  2. Keep enabled for 1 minute
  3. Switch system microphone
  4. Keep enabled for 1 minute

Actual results:

  1. Audio works correctly
  2. Noise (hissing, crackling) continuously increases until it totally overlays the signal
  3. Audio goes back to normal
  4. Noise (hissing, crackling) continuously increases until it totally overlays the signal

Expected results:

Audio signal stays auditable over time

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"prefRollouts": [
"slug": "bug-1690367-rollout-moving-webrtc-networking-functionality-into-i-release-87-100",
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"lastSeen": "2022-02-28T13:45:26.129Z",
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"nimbusExperiments": [],
"nimbusRollouts": []

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Core::WebRTC: Audio/Video' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please revert this change in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → WebRTC: Audio/Video
Product: Firefox → Core

Thanks georg for the detailed report! I'm not able to reproduce on my MBP. Does it reproduce for you here (please use headphones to avoid feedback)?

Flags: needinfo?(georg.hartmann)

Paul, any idea what is going on here?

Flags: needinfo?(padenot)

Also georg, do you happen to know if this used to work better in an earlier version of Firefox? If so, since I'm not able to reproduce here, if you would be able to run the MozRegression tool to find a regression range that would help narrow this down quickly.

(In reply to Jan-Ivar Bruaroey [:jib] (needinfo? me) from comment #3)

Thanks georg for the detailed report! I'm not able to reproduce on my MBP. Does it reproduce for you here (please use headphones to avoid feedback)?

Hey Jan, thanks for the response.
I am not able to repoduce via this jsfiddle. I quickly checked if anything changed with autoGainControl on and it didn't either

Flags: needinfo?(georg.hartmann)

(In reply to Jan-Ivar Bruaroey [:jib] (needinfo? me) from comment #5)

Also georg, do you happen to know if this used to work better in an earlier version of Firefox? If so, since I'm not able to reproduce here, if you would be able to run the MozRegression tool to find a regression range that would help narrow this down quickly.

I am pretty sure this is not new. I jumped back to firefox as my daily driver in January (don't remember the exact date) and had problems ever since. I initially blamed the os, but since then was able to figure out that it only reproduces in Firefox. I am using Brave for audio calls for now.

I hope to do the regression tonight

Georg, can you mention a couple websites on which this reproduces for you?

Flags: needinfo?(padenot) → needinfo?(georg.hartmann)

Additionally, what kind of microphone are you using? I have a branch locally where this is fixed (I'm pretty sure), hoping to get this landed in the next few days, if you could have a quick try (looks like it's just a couple of minutes for you), it would be amazing. I'll let you know.

(In reply to Paul Adenot (:padenot) from comment #8)

Georg, can you mention a couple websites on which this reproduces for you?


  • the web version of google meet
  • the web version of zoom
  • the audio recorder of
  • the audio recorder of the web version of slack
  • the recording I attached was done via
Flags: needinfo?(georg.hartmann)

(In reply to Paul Adenot (:padenot) from comment #9)

Additionally, what kind of microphone are you using? I have a branch locally where this is fixed (I'm pretty sure), hoping to get this landed in the next few days, if you could have a quick try (looks like it's just a couple of minutes for you), it would be amazing. I'll let you know.

I am pretty sure it's totally microphone independent. I was able to reproduce with:

  • The internal macbook microphone
  • bose QC 2 microphone connected via bluetooth
  • An external microphone connected via USB

They all have in common that performance degrades around 40s into use and resets after I switch the system microphone, independently from which to which source I switch. The switching itself seems to cause the reset in quality.

Sure, very happy to test whenever you got a fix ready

Hey, I tried to do the regression, but whichever version I build, the executable crashes on use of the microphone 😥

You're not supposed to build anything, we have everything already built for you in a nice set of programs, see

I'm still working on the fix, lots of moving pieces, sorry about that.

I am using mozregression. I assumed it builds locally, but now I understand it just downloads the prebuilt executables. Still, the versions of firefox I ran with it all crash on microphone activation.

No worries, as I have a mitigation by using another browser for audio, I don't need a quick fix. Thanks for working on it!

Assignee: nobody → padenot
Severity: -- → S1
Priority: -- → P1

Rejecting tracking for 99 as there are not many duplicates/reports.
Setting to Won't Fix for 99 as it's late in the beta cycle.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

This should be fixed in tomorrow's Firefox Nightly, please follow up in bug 1739505 which is the main bug for this.

I just repeated the same test on with firefox nightly 100.0a1 (2022-03-24).
Unfortunately, I don't hear any improvement. The moment and kind of degradation seem exactly the same to me as before.

The only change I can detect in firefox nightly is that switching audio input no longer "resets" the distortion as before.

What device are you using for input/output when recording this ?

Flags: needinfo?(georg.hartmann)

Still broken regardless of the device?

Ever confirmed: true
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---

Would you mind recording a profile (instructions here in video and text:, it's really really simple) of more or less the same scenario you do when you record the files you attached here?

I've received an M1 Max yesterday, and audio is perfectly clear whenever I use or anything else that uses the mic, and so is on all other M1 or x86 macs I've tested (apart from the issue fixed in bug 1739505), so I'm trying to figure out what's off here.

(In reply to Paul Adenot (:padenot) from comment #23)

Would you mind recording a profile (instructions here in video and text:, it's really really simple) of more or less the same scenario you do when you record the files you attached here?

I've received an M1 Max yesterday, and audio is perfectly clear whenever I use or anything else that uses the mic, and so is on all other M1 or x86 macs I've tested (apart from the issue fixed in bug 1739505), so I'm trying to figure out what's off here.

Absolutely. This is the profile:
I will also attach the exact audio file I recorded while capturing the profile.


Flags: needinfo?(georg.hartmann)

Georg, this is not a media profile, this is a regular profile, so unfortunately the profiler didn't profile the threads I need to diagnose this, make sure to select "Media" in the dropdown.

We're in the process of making additional fixes to the input/output audio handling, should be ready by tomorrow or so.

Flags: needinfo?(georg.hartmann)

Paul, could we revisit the priority on this? Doesn't seems to be a valid P1.

Flags: needinfo?(padenot)

Downgrading because afaik this only affects one person (unlike the other bug), but we'll get this fixed anyways.

Severity: S1 → S3
Flags: needinfo?(padenot)
Priority: P2 → --

(In reply to Paul Adenot (:padenot) from comment #28)

Downgrading because afaik this only affects one person (unlike the other bug), but we'll get this fixed anyways.

Thank you very much.

We're in the process of making additional fixes to the input/output audio handling, should be ready by tomorrow or so.
So I should repeat the profiling process, wth the media preset this time, in Firefox Nightly, right?

Flags: needinfo?(georg.hartmann)
Depends on: 1762036

Hi georg, do you have a device that shows "X ins / Y outs" in "Audio MIDI Setup", where X and Y is not zero (e.g., my Plantronics. Audio 628 USB headset shows "2 ins / 2 outs")? If you have this kind of device, can you still hear the noise if you set it to your "system default output device" and choose it as the microphone? Can you test the audio on the website below?

    (You can find more on

We will do some custom settings if input and output are from different devices on "Audio MIDI Setup", e.g. my Bose QC 35 II shows "1 ins / 0 outs" and "0 ins / 2 outs", or my MacBook Pro has "0 ins / 2 outs" built-in speaker and "1 ins / 0 outs" built-in microphone. I am trying to figure out if the problem is caused by our custom settings or not.

Flags: needinfo?(georg.hartmann)

I do have the QC 35 II and they show up as you describe in the Audio Midi Setup: "1 ins / 0 outs" and "0 ins / 2 outs"

It indeed seems like the noise appearing is associated to the output device, no the input device.
I just tested on the website.
If I output to the QC 35 II, the noise starts appearing like before, around 50 seconds from the start of the use of the microphone.
It happens with both microphones, both internal and of the QC 35 II, but only if I output to the speakers of the headphones.

I can only reproduce this in Firefox, btw. The same is not true eg in Brave Browser.

Flags: needinfo?(georg.hartmann)
Blocks: 1791995

Hey Georg, curious are you still running into this issue?

Flags: needinfo?(georg.hartmann)

For follow up

Flags: needinfo?(cchang)

Redirect a needinfo that is pending on an inactive user to the triage owner.
:jib, since the bug has recent activity, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(georg.hartmann) → needinfo?(jib)

Hey Georg, can you tell us if this has been fixed now?

Flags: needinfo?(jib) → needinfo?(georg.hartmann)

If not, I've finally landed a way to get logs for this and share them easily, here's how it works:

  • Navigate to, click the button to enable the profiler button, select the preset called "Media"
  • Reproduce this, on Firefox Nightly (for now, this will be available everywhere in a few weeks)
  • While the audio is bad, open a new tab, navigate to about:networking, click on the Logging tab on the left, and put cubeb:5 in the box Current Log Modules, click the button Set log modules
  • Take a profile, by clicking the profiler icon
  • After some time (say, 10s, with bad audio), click the profiler button again to end profiling, and capture the profile
  • After some time, this will open a new tab with the Firefox Profiler interface, click share on the top-right, make sure to include hidden threads (it's enabled by default), and share the URL here (or privately at <>, there is a way to download the profile, to e.g. attach it to an email).

Some people prefer videos, so I've recorded a screencast of the procedure here:, it's a bit longer than a minute and shows the procedure on, which is a very simple website similar to the links above, but please use any website on which you can reproduce the issue.

Hey Paul, Jan,

I downloaded the latest Nightly. Unfortunately, the issue is still there. Still, for me it only happens in firefox, and only with either input or output device being different from the built-in ones (macbook mic or speakers).

I tried to follow all the steps to the point. Please let me know if it worked:

Thanks for still trying to fix this.


Flags: needinfo?(georg.hartmann)

It worked well, but I don't see much in the logs, unfortunately.

I'm facing this exact same issue on my MBA as well.

FF is my daily driver for years. Right now, I've 2 macs :

  • My old MBP A1989 (Core i5 - 16 GB)
  • My new MBA A2337 (M1 - 16 GB)

Both runs Ventura 13.0.1 and FF107-64. My headset is an AirPod Max.

I'm facing the problem with Google Meet ran within FF. The colleagues hear me with a continuously degrading audio quality. I can change the microphone, sometimes this fixes the problem sometimes not.

Seems to work great through Chrome, but I don't want to use it.

As I've the 2 macs, I can make some comparison testing, just give me the instructions to help you.


Sorry, I forgot to say, the problem never happened on the MBP, it happens only on the MBA, but all the times.

I have the exact issue with Macbook Pro Max M1 (64 GB). Running Ventura 13.0.1.

Problem only happens with Firefox. Currently using 108.0b8 (64-bit).

Problem doesn't seem to happen with Chrome, Slack or any other application.

The microphone works for a moment and then starts crackling and popping and is unusable.

It seems the problem gets fixex momentarily by switching from the Macbook internal microphone to a separate microphone but if you switch back to the Macbook microphone the problem reappears quickly.

I would also like to use Firefox as my main browser and the Macbook Pro microphone because it's superior to for example headphone microphones.

I'm gonna try updating the Developer Edition and report back.

I can confirm it still happens with Firefox Developer Edition 108.0b9 and Google meet.

As of Firefox 108.0.2, I can no longer reproduce this bug.

I have not tested in a while, so it might have been fixed in previous versions!

Closed: 3 years ago2 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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