Closed Bug 1762113 Opened 3 years ago Closed 2 years ago

WebGL not using GPU in Firefox snap due to "opengl" connection missing


(Core :: Graphics: CanvasWebGL, defect)

Firefox 98





(Reporter: aroskuski, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(2 files)

Attached file about_support.txt

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0

Steps to reproduce:

Navigate to

This specifically occurs when using the Firefox snap on Ubuntu 21.10. I'm using an Nvidia GPU with the proprietary drivers. about:support output is attached, and notably lists the Nvidia GPU as the WebGL GPU. Firefox also appears to be using the GPU for non-WebGL tasks, as far as I can tell.

Actual results:

WebGL is using software rendering via llvmpipe

Expected results:

WebGL should be using the Nvidia GPU installed on the system that Firefox is using to render its UI.

Summary: WebGL not using GPU → WebGL not using GPU in Firefox snap

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Core::Canvas: WebGL' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please correct in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → Canvas: WebGL
Product: Firefox → Core

The severity field is not set for this bug.
:jgilbert, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(jgilbert)

For what it's worth, the issue seems to be no longer reproducible for me on Firefox 99. Have not checked beta or nightly, however.

This bug is reproducible for me on Ubuntu 22.04 and Firefox 102 Snap, it is not reproducible on the same setup with the tar.bz2 version of Firefox installed! I'm not sure if this can also cause issues such as bug #1734120!

I have attached the about:support from the Snap version.

Blocks: snap

I'm suspecting it might be because of NVIDIA drivers itself: AMD -- AMD RENOIR (DRM 3.42.0, 5.15.0-41-generic, LLVM 12.0.0) no llvmpipe here, both with XWayland and pure Wayland. I dont have NVIDIA GPU to verify more.

So I have verified on a colleague's machine, running Ubuntu 22.04 on some NVIDIA GPU, and about:support does not show llvmpipe but correct NVIDIA driver (470).

Can you verify if you have the same setup, especially snap connections firefox ?

trees/mozilla-unified::af4d0cc2d$ snap info firefox
name:      firefox
summary:   Mozilla Firefox web browser
publisher: Mozilla?
license:   unset
description: |
  Firefox is a powerful, extensible web browser with support for modern web application
  - firefox
  - firefox.geckodriver
snap-id:      3wdHCAVyZEmYsCMFDE9qt92UV8rC8Wdk
tracking:     latest/stable
refresh-date: 14 days ago, at 15:24 CEST
  latest/stable:    102.0.1-1    2022-07-08 (1551) 169MB -
  latest/candidate: 103.0-1      2022-07-19 (1589) 171MB -
  latest/beta:      103.0b9-1    2022-07-15 (1578) 171MB -
  latest/edge:      104.0a1      2022-07-22 (1594) 181MB -
  esr/stable:       91.11.0esr-2 2022-06-28 (1501) 161MB -
  esr/candidate:    102.1.0esr-1 2022-07-20 (1592) 169MB -
  esr/beta:         ?                                    
  esr/edge:         ?                                    
installed:          102.0.1-1               (1551) 169MB -
trees/mozilla-unified::af4d0cc2d$ snap info snapd  
name:      snapd
summary:   Daemon and tooling that enable snap packages
publisher: Canonical?
license:   GPL-3.0+
description: |
  Install, configure, refresh and remove snap packages. Snaps are
  'universal' packages that work across many different Linux systems,
  enabling secure distribution of the latest apps and utilities for
  cloud, servers, desktops and the internet of things.
  Start with 'snap list' to see installed snaps.
type:    snapd
snap-id: PMrrV4ml8uWuEUDBT8dSGnKUYbevVhc4
  latest/stable:    2.56.2                 2022-07-06 (16292) 49MB -
  latest/candidate: 2.56.3                 2022-07-15 (16554) 49MB -
  latest/beta:      2.56.3                 2022-07-13 (16554) 49MB -
  latest/edge:      2.56.3+git702.g58615ac 2022-07-21 (16627) 50MB -
trees/mozilla-unified::af4d0cc2d$ snap connections firefox
Interface                 Plug                            Slot                             Notes
audio-playback            firefox:audio-playback          :audio-playback                  -
audio-record              firefox:audio-record            :audio-record                    -
avahi-observe             firefox:avahi-observe           :avahi-observe                   -
browser-support           firefox:browser-sandbox         :browser-support                 -
camera                    firefox:camera                  :camera                          -
content[gnome-3-38-2004]  firefox:gnome-3-38-2004         gnome-3-38-2004:gnome-3-38-2004  -
content[gtk-3-themes]     firefox:gtk-3-themes            gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes   -
content[icon-themes]      firefox:icon-themes             gtk-common-themes:icon-themes    -
content[sound-themes]     firefox:sound-themes            gtk-common-themes:sound-themes   -
cups-control              firefox:cups-control            :cups-control                    -
dbus                      -                               firefox:dbus-daemon              -
desktop                   firefox:desktop                 :desktop                         -
desktop-legacy            firefox:desktop-legacy          :desktop-legacy                  -
gsettings                 firefox:gsettings               :gsettings                       -
hardware-observe          firefox:hardware-observe        :hardware-observe                -
home                      firefox:home                    :home                            -
joystick                  firefox:joystick                :joystick                        -
mpris                     -                               firefox:mpris                    -
network                   firefox:network                 :network                         -
network-bind              firefox:network-bind            :network-bind                    -
network-observe           firefox:network-observe         -                                -
opengl                    firefox:opengl                  :opengl                          -
personal-files            firefox:dot-mozilla-firefox     :personal-files                  -
removable-media           firefox:removable-media         :removable-media                 -
screen-inhibit-control    firefox:screen-inhibit-control  :screen-inhibit-control          -
system-files              firefox:etc-firefox-policies    :system-files                    -
system-packages-doc       firefox:system-packages-doc     :system-packages-doc             -
u2f-devices               firefox:u2f-devices             :u2f-devices                     -
unity7                    firefox:unity7                  :unity7                          -
upower-observe            firefox:upower-observe          :upower-observe                  -
wayland                   firefox:wayland                 :wayland                         -
x11                       firefox:x11                     :x11                             -

Could you also maybe verify those prefs?

gfx.blacklist.layers.opengl: 4
gfx.blacklist.layers.opengl.failureid: FEATURE_FAILURE_SOFTWARE_GL
Flags: needinfo?(aroskuski)

I can confirm that the issue hasn't returned for me since it originally disappeared with Firefox 99.

Though, to clarify, back when it was happening, about:support always reported the Nvidia GPU correctly. It was only WebGL that would report llvmpipe, and perform poorly accordingly. If no one else is experiencing that weird discrepancy, this can probably be closed.

Flags: needinfo?(aroskuski)

Thanks for the feedback, and sorry I was actually requesting needinfo from Ali :[

Flags: needinfo?(aliakbarmostafaei)

(In reply to Alexandre LISSY :gerard-majax from comment #7)

So I have verified on a colleague's machine, running Ubuntu 22.04 on some NVIDIA GPU, and about:support does not show llvmpipe but correct NVIDIA driver (470).

Can you verify if you have the same setup, especially snap connections firefox ?

Apologies for the late reply, I ran your suggested commands and it turned out the opengl interface was not plugged in for the Firefox snap so I did a sudo snap connect firefox:opengl :opengl and relaunched now my about:support reports successful loading of NVIDIA 470 drivers!

Thanks for following up on this and for your time :)

Flags: needinfo?(aliakbarmostafaei)

Thanks, I'll mark that as resolved then but maybe olivier has more questions on how you could got into the state of opengl not plugged?

Closed: 2 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(jgilbert) → needinfo?(olivier)
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Summary: WebGL not using GPU in Firefox snap → WebGL not using GPU in Firefox snap due to "opengl" connection missing

(In reply to Alexandre LISSY :gerard-majax from comment #12)

Thanks, I'll mark that as resolved then but maybe olivier has more questions on how you could got into the state of opengl not plugged?

I couldn't say for certain but this is a fresh installation of Ubuntu 22.04 and the only things I can think of is that upon installation I loaded app info for Firefox on Ubuntu Software and clicked on Permissions button and maybe toggled on and off a few permissions (although OpenGL was on AFAIK) and other thing (maybe more Ubuntu related) is that I enabled driver installation during Ubuntu installation but after finishing and booting up the drivers were not loaded and my screen resolution was set to lower than optimal, I had to reinstall NVIDIA drivers after booting up, not sure if it has anything to do with this.

I have no idea why the opengl plug wouldn't be connected. It should have been automatically connected when the snap was originally installed.

Flags: needinfo?(olivier)
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