Open Bug 1762741 Opened 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Impossible to copy "Related Link" from the event detail view


(Calendar :: Calendar Frontend, defect, P3)

Thunderbird 91


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: bug-str, Unassigned)



(Keywords: polish, ux-consistency, ux-efficiency)

Steps to reproduce:

Calendar (Thunderbird, v. 91.7)
Google Calendar is connected via Provider for Google Calendar extension by Philipp Kewisch version 91.0.4.

Actual results:

When I click on the event in the calendar, the pop-up window shows all the fields for the event. One of the fields is "Related Link", which, if clicked opens the web browser on the event page in Google Calendar.

However, it is impossible to copy this link:

  1. There is no right-click option "copy link" (Unlike for the URL in "Location:")
  2. It is impossible to select this field as a text. ( Lack of this, 2nd possible mode of copying seems to be the same as reported earlier in Bug 1750777)

Expected results:

Either of those two ways (or both) should be available.

See Also: → 1778974

Thanks Igor, absolutely. Confirming for TB 102.5.1, Win10.
Fyi, you can now also link to Google CalDAV Calendars directly without using the add-on, after enabling them for sync in your Google web settings.

Severity: -- → S3
Ever confirmed: true
Priority: -- → P3
See Also: 17789741804643
See Also: → 1750777
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