Closed Bug 176897 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

fork rules.dat


(MailNews Core :: Filters, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sspitzer, Assigned: naving)


fork rules.dat. there might be a bug for this. before we flip the switch and fork, we need to make sure we've finished all the planned backend changes that require a fork. (mscott's views, new filter actions, new filter criteria, junk mail, etc) more coming soon. I'll make sure this bug is blocked by all the right bugs.
I think we need a plan for this. I guess Scott has already checked his stuff in, though not turned on in Mozilla, so maybe the horse is out of the barn already. But, it seems to me that what should happen is that we should turn on all the changes that require a fork at the same time that we check in the code that does the fork. If we check in code that will change the format of the filters file w/o checking in the forking code, we might break the ability to go back and forth between 7.0 and the tip of the trunk bits. And if we break people's filters, we will make a lot of people unhappy. It's one thing for an old version of mozilla to be unable to read a newer filter format, but another for it it to read the newer filter format, but lose information when it writes it back out. One simple approach going forward would be to change the filing code to read newer format filter files, but refuse to write out the file, on the theory that it might not have read the filter file correctly. I realize this sounds like an enormous pain since everything would need to be turned on at once, and some of the work hasn't started yet. In theory, we could do just the filing code for the features that aren't done yet (I'm thinking of the new filter actions, forward and reply), but I'm not sure exactly what file format wil be for the data of these actions. I guess would could just say it's a string and leave it at that.
I think mscott didn't checkin filter related part. He just checked in views part that is persisted in mailViews.dat or something. I already have a patch for this. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 168553 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
I'll take david's comments and some comments from mscott to the existing bug.
marking verified as a duplicate
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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