Open Bug 1770022 Opened 2 years ago

Add website navigation bar shortcuts for top and/or up


(SeaMonkey :: General, enhancement)

SeaMonkey 2.53 Branch


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ohnobinki, Unassigned)


Steps to reproduce:

I would like to be able to use the “Up” button in the Website Navigation Bar from a keyboard shortcut. I expected the alt+up shortcut to activate this.

Actual results:

The alt+up shortcut just takes off the last segment of the URI. It is different from clicking the “Up” button in the Website Navigation Bar.

Expected results:

I think that alt+up should have the same functionality as clicking the “Up” button in the Website Navigation Bar. The existing functionality makes sense if the page has no <link rel="up"/> defined. However, for sites which specify where up is, it would be nice to have a keyboard shortcut to access that—especially if the up is different from just taking the last segment off of the URI.

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