Open Bug 1775468 Opened 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago

[] Can't clear all Credit card fields using "Clear autofill form" and manually deleting the fields broke form autofill


(Toolkit :: Form Autofill, defect, P3)

Firefox 103



Tracking Status
firefox101 --- affected
firefox102 --- affected
firefox103 --- affected


(Reporter: hyacoub, Unassigned)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)


Found in

  • Firefox 102.0-candidates/build1

Affected versions

  • Firefox 103.0a1
  • Firefox 102.0-candidates/build1
  • Firefox 101.0.1

Affected platforms

  • macOS 11.6
  • Windows 10 x64
  • Ubuntu 20.04 x64

Steps to reproduce

  1. Make sure to have a couple of cc saved
  2. Open Firefox -> United States(US) en-us build locale
  3. Go to and reach the checkout page
  4. Observe "Payment Into" section
  5. Click on "Card Number" field and select any saved credit card
  6. Double click on the same field and select "Clear autofill form"
  7. Double click on "MM/YY" field
  8. Clear all form manually
  9. Click on CC number field and select any cc

Expected result

  • Step 6: All fields should be deleted
  • Step 7: A menu with a option to "Clear autofill form" should be displayed
  • Step 9: Only cc field is populated

Actual result

  • Step 6: Only "Card Number" field was deleted
  • Step 7: No menu is displayed
  • Step 9: All field should be populated

Regression range

  • Not a regression.
Has STR: --- → yes

This site uses separate forms for each "real" cc fields. And in each form, it also contains "fake" hidden cc fields.
So the layout may look like

<form id=cc-number-form>
  <input id=real-cc-number><input id=hidden-cc-name><input id=hidden-cc-exp>
<form id=cc-name-form>
  <input id=hidden-cc-number><input id=real-cc-name><input id=hidden-cc-exp>
<form id=cc-exp-form>
  <input id=hidden-cc-number><input id=hidden-cc-name><input id=real-cc-exp>

The autofill feature works because when we autofill, we fill both the "real" cc field and the "hidden" cc fields. After filling, the site populates the value to other "real" cc fields. So it looks like we autofill all the cc fields correctly.
In the case of clear autofill form, we still clear all the cc fields in a form, however, the site doesn't populate the "empty" value after clear, so only the field you click "clear autofill form" is cleared.

Blocks: 1730016
Priority: -- → P3
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