Calendar not respecting visibility settings for all-day events
(Calendar :: Calendar Frontend, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: fouuqibwtn, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0
Steps to reproduce:
I upgraded to version 102.0 from whatever the previous version was.
Actual results:
After upgrade, "all day" events for some calendars that are supposed to be visible are not visible in the Calendar tab. Also, when I set calendars that are visible to be invisible, the "all day" events for those calendars are still displayed. Changed the visibility settings for calendars back and forth has no effect. Synchronizing the calendars has no effect.
Changing the visibility settings for calendars seems to effect the events that are not "all day" correctly. What's set to be visible is shown, and what's set to be invisible is not show, and changes to visibility cause the expected results.
I think some of the events that should be visible that are now not may have been visible momentarily when I first started Thunderbird, but they then disappeared.
The visibility rules do seem to be respected in the "Events" pane of the "Mail" tab.
Other possibly relevant facts: all of my calendars are local, stored in files and accessed via "file://..." URLs. There are 12 such calendars activated.
I would include a screen shot, but there are events that are private that I cannot make invisible.
Expected results:
There should have been no change to what events were displayed just because of the upgrade, and changing visibility settings after the upgrade should cause the "all day" events of calendars to be visible or not visible according to the visibility settings on the calendars.
Updated•3 years ago
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Comment 1•3 years ago
The collection of calendars for which "all day" events are displayed keeps changing, not apparently in response to anything I do. At the moment, I'm seeing calendars completely different from the ones I saw when I first upgraded.
Updated•3 years ago
Comment 2•3 years ago
By visibility rules, do you mean whether the whole calendar is set to be shown or not?
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Comment 3•3 years ago
I believe the short answer is "yes".
Long answer: By "visibility rules", I mean the rules "don't show the events of calendar X if there's an eyeball with a slash through it next to X in the calendar tab, and otherwise show them". So, I have calendars that do not have an eyeball with a slash next to them, and the events of that calendar do not show up in the calendar tab, but do show up in the "Events" pane of the e-mail tab.
Let me know if that's still not clear and I'll try to be clearer.
Comment 4•1 year ago
Have you tried Thunderbird 115 and do you still experience this issue?
Comment 5•5 days ago
No response from reporter, and in the meantime ESR release 128 is out for quite some time. Resolving as INCOMPLETE.
Feel free to open a new bug report if this problem occurs with a recent version of Thunderbird.
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Comment 6•5 days ago
I'm on version 126.6.0esr, and I haven't seen the reported problem in a while. I'm not sure if the process is for me to change the status in some way or not. I consider this bug resolved.