Open Bug 1777658 Opened 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago

Language changes from language packs are not properly applied without restarting the browser


(Toolkit :: Add-ons Manager, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox102 --- affected
firefox103 --- affected
firefox104 --- unaffected


(Reporter: acornestean, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Attached video 2022-07-01_09h58_47.mp4

Affected versions:
Beta: 103.0b3/20220630185738
Release: 102.0/20220623063721

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Access
  2. Install a language pack, for example the German (Deutsch) language pack
  3. Access about:preferences#general, scroll down to the “Language” section and from the drop down select “Deutsch”. The language pack will be applied as it can be seen from the interface changing from English to German
    NOTE: Do not restart the browser
  4. Go to Add-ons Manager and from either the “Recommended” or “Extensions” tabs, install one of the recommended add-ons.
  5. Notice the initial add-on download doorhanger is still in English.
  6. Click on the equivalent in German “Add” button to install the add-on
  7. Notice the doorhanger that is displayed after the add-on has been installed contains a couple of words in English, along the lines of “Addon_Name was added”, while the rest of the strings are in German.
  8. Remove the add-on installed at step 4.
  9. Notice the add-on removal pop-up has the button strings in English.
  10. Restart the browser
  11. Go to Add-ons Manager and from either the “Recommended” or “Extensions” tabs, install one of the recommended add-ons.
  12. Notice the download doorhanger is now in German and all subsequent displayed doorhangers are fully in German
  13. Remove the add-on installed at step 10
  14. Notice the add-on removal pop-up is fully in German

Language packs are not fully/properly applied without restarting the browser.


  1. Language packs should be fully/properly applied without restarting the browser
  2. A notification should be displayed at the “Language” section of about:preferences#general, prompting the user to restart the browser in order to fully apply the language pack

Also notice that without a browser restart the descriptions on the add-on cards from Add-ons Manager are still in English, which might be a possible additional cause for the issue occurring.

Whiteboard: [design-decision-needed]

Basically we may need an extension API for this.

(In reply to Alex Cornestean from comment #0)

Also notice that without a browser restart the descriptions on the add-on cards from Add-ons Manager are still in English, which might be a possible additional cause for the issue occurring.

Could be bug 1765023

See Also: → 1765023

Bug 1765023 is unrelated.

This bug is probably due to some text translations that still exist in properties files rather than fluent.

Severity: -- → S3
Component: Frontend → Add-ons Manager
Priority: -- → P3
Product: WebExtensions → Toolkit
See Also: 1765023
Whiteboard: [design-decision-needed]
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