Bug 1781811
Opened 3 years ago
Closed 3 years ago
Intermittent /html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html | input type password: select() event queue - assert_true: event didn't fire expected true got false
(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P5)
DOM: Core & HTML
of bug 1785615
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure)
Filed by: ccozmuta [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.470Z] 14:38:50 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html | input type url: selectionEnd out of range event queue
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.470Z] 14:38:50 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html | input type url: selectionEnd out of range twice in disconnected node (must fire select only once)
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.472Z] 14:38:50 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html | input type url: setSelectionRange out of range
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.472Z] 14:38:50 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html | input type url: setSelectionRange out of range a second time (must not fire select)
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.472Z] 14:38:50 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html | input type url: setSelectionRange out of range disconnected node
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.472Z] 14:38:50 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html | input type url: setSelectionRange out of range event queue
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.472Z] 14:38:50 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html | input type url: setSelectionRange out of range twice in disconnected node (must fire select only once)
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.473Z] 14:38:50 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html | input type password: select()
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.473Z] 14:38:50 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html | input type password: select() a second time (must not fire select)
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.473Z] 14:38:50 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html | input type password: select() disconnected node
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.473Z] 14:38:50 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html | input type password: select() event queue - assert_true: event didn't fire expected true got false
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.473Z] 14:38:50 INFO - @http://web-platform.test:8000/html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html:126:18
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.506Z] 14:38:50 INFO - .........................................
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.506Z] 14:38:50 INFO - TEST-OK | /html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/select-event.html | took 10352ms
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.507Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | 1658932730417 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 40203
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.508Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 4501 | [Child 4613, Main Thread] WARNING: '!CanHandleWith(aPresContext)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/events/IMEStateManager.cpp:498
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.556Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Child 1668, Main Thread] WARNING: '!CanSend() || !mManager || !mManager->CanSend()', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/ipc/jsactor/JSWindowActorChild.cpp:44
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.556Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Child 1668, Main Thread] WARNING: '!CanSend() || !mManager || !mManager->CanSend()', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/ipc/jsactor/JSWindowActorChild.cpp:44
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.586Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Child 1668, Main Thread] WARNING: '!CanSend() || !mManager || !mManager->CanSend()', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/ipc/jsactor/JSWindowActorChild.cpp:44
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.602Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Child 1668, Main Thread] WARNING: '!CanSend() || !mManager || !mManager->CanSend()', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/ipc/jsactor/JSWindowActorChild.cpp:44
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.620Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Child 1668, Main Thread] WARNING: '!CanSend() || !mManager || !mManager->CanSend()', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/ipc/jsactor/JSWindowActorChild.cpp:44
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.637Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Child 1668, Main Thread] WARNING: '!CanSend() || !mManager || !mManager->CanSend()', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/ipc/jsactor/JSWindowActorChild.cpp:44
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.660Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Child 1668, Main Thread] WARNING: '!CanSend() || !mManager || !mManager->CanSend()', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/ipc/jsactor/JSWindowActorChild.cpp:44
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.829Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Parent 1570, Main Thread] WARNING: '!CanHandleWith(aPresContext)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/events/IMEStateManager.cpp:498
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.859Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Child 4081, Main Thread] WARNING: '!CanHandleWith(aPresContext)', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/events/IMEStateManager.cpp:498
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.871Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Parent 1570, Compositor] WARNING: Possibly dropping task posted to updater thread: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/gfx/layers/apz/src/APZUpdater.cpp:371
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.875Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Parent 1570, Main Thread] WARNING: '!mIMContext', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/widget/gtk/nsWindow.cpp:8260
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.876Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Parent 1570, Main Thread] WARNING: '!mIMContext', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/widget/gtk/nsWindow.cpp:8260
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.904Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Parent 1570, IPDL Background] WARNING: IPC Connection Error: [Parent][PBackgroundParent] RunMessage(msgname=PRemoteWorkerService::Msg___delete__) Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1876
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.909Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Parent 1570, Compositor] WARNING: IPC Connection Error: [Parent][PImageBridgeParent] RunMessage(msgname=PImageBridge::Msg_WillClose) Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1876
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.954Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Parent 1570, Compositor] WARNING: IPC Connection Error: [Parent][PCompositorManagerParent] RunMessage(msgname=PCompositorBridge::Msg___delete__) Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1876
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.956Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Parent 1570, Compositor] WARNING: IPC Connection Error: [Parent][PCompositorManagerParent] RunMessage(msgname=PCompositorBridge::Msg___delete__) Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1876
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.958Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Parent 1570, Compositor] WARNING: IPC Connection Error: [Parent][PImageBridgeParent] RunMessage(msgname=PImageBridge::Msg_WillClose) Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1876
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.959Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Parent 1570, IPDL Background] WARNING: IPC Connection Error: [Parent][PBackgroundParent] RunMessage(msgname=PRemoteWorkerService::Msg___delete__) Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1876
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.981Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Parent 1570, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:197
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:50.982Z] 14:38:50 INFO - PID 1570 | [Parent 1570, Socket Thread] WARNING: cannot post event if not initialized: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp:197
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:51.022Z] 14:38:51 INFO - PID 1570 | [2022-07-27T14:38:51Z WARN xulstore::persist] tried to remove key that isn't in the store
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:51.022Z] 14:38:51 INFO - PID 1570 | [2022-07-27T14:38:51Z WARN xulstore::persist] tried to remove key that isn't in the store
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:51.050Z] 14:38:51 INFO - .
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:51.051Z] 14:38:51 INFO - TEST-OK | /navigation-api/ordering-and-transition/anchor-download-intercept.html?currententrychange | took 717ms
[task 2022-07-27T14:38:51.051Z] 14:38:51 INFO - TEST-START | /navigation-api/ordering-and-transition/anchor-download.html
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Updated•3 years ago
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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