Closed Bug 17841 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[FEATURE]Bolded text for Account names and folders with unread message


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: fenella, Assigned: scottputterman)


This bug tracks the implementation of bolded text for Account Names as well as
for Folders with unread messages

see http://gooey/client/5.0/specs/mail/messenger/messenger.html#MailFolders

For all platforms.
Assignee: phil → putterman
Reassign to putterman
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I checked in a fix for this.  This doesn't work when a subfolder has children
but a parent folder doesn't.  However there is already another bug for this.
Scott, my intepretation is:
At this point, if the parent folder has an unread message, the parent folder
would be bolded.
But if the parent folder does not have any unread message, even if its subfolder
has unread message, the parent folder would not be bolded. Only the subfolder
shows bolded.  Right?
Expected result: we want the parent folder to be bolded regardless the unread
message is in the subfolder or underneath the parent. Right? (And this problem
is in another bug.)

OK. Using today's build on Linux (1999-11-23-08 M12)
Mac (1999-11-23-08 M12)
Win_nt 4.0 (1999-11-23-09 M12)
IMAP/POP: The bolded text shows in the parent folder when there is an unread
message and also shows in subfolder when there is unread message.
Yes.  My comment was messed up.  Here's what is should have stated:

The missing feature is that when a folder doesn't have unread messages, if a
descendant folder has unread messages, the parent folder should show up bold if
it is closed.    This is in bug 19254
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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