Open Bug 1789900 Opened 2 years ago Updated 5 months ago

Include the page URL in the screenshot image


(Firefox :: Screenshots, enhancement, P3)





(Reporter: sfoster, Unassigned)



"When you do screenshot things for your records/files, include the full address as shown in the URL bar."

It would be nice if Firefox screenshot tool would do that, especially for full page screenshots:

either display the URL

  • in the title
  • or in the picture itself
  • or as meta data into the file

This could be interpreted a few ways. We could add the full URL to the PNG metadata. Some image/photo software exposes that metadata and it would be retrievable in archiving scenarios. It is also invisible otherwise and presents a potential privacy problem, so we would need to make this opt-in.

Putting the URL in the image itself - in the same way you might get a date stamp on a photo - is another possibility. Again this would need to be opt-in, and I'd expect the preview to show it so the user can assess the result. We would have to potentially truncate URLs to fit.

Using the URL instead of the page title in the filename doesnt seem as useful to me, as we have to strip out a lot of characters to make a valid filename. We have had other suggestions in the past about making the filenames configurable though and including at least the host/domain name as an option there seems possible. That is tracked as bug 1768547.

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