Closed Bug 1791666 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Add atomics to prefix list


(Socorro :: Signature, task)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mccr8, Unassigned)


There's a lot of boiler plate for these atomics. Our standard GC crashes seem to have started showing up like this now. Maybe this is due to the inlining changes?

For instance: bp-fdd084b8-3f34-47e2-b73c-44c6a0220919

I'm guessing the top 3 frames would look like this in signature form:

[@ std::__atomic_base<T>::load ]
[mozilla::detail::IntrinsicMemoryOps<T>::load ]
[mozilla::detail::AtomicBaseIncDec<T>::operator unsigned long ]

It might make more sense to add these to the skip list instead of the prefix list, as they all look kind of like internal implementation details.

IntrinsicMemoryOps and AtomicBaseIncDec have a few other functions, as does presumably std::__atomic_base, but I don't know if we need to proactively add those or not.

There's also a lot of inlined GC functions that maybe could get skipped, but maybe leave that for a separate bug.

Some similar frames are std::__1::__cxx_atomic_load<T> and std::__1::__atomic_base<>::load from bp-0bb02acd-5fd9-4144-8f40-4d13c0220920

How about ignoring anything that involves std:: and is inlined?

I've prepared a PR in bug 1791509, we won't be merging it immediately because Socorro will be frozen for a couple of weeks. If something needs to be added we can add it there.

(In reply to Mike Hommey [:glandium] from comment #3)

How about ignoring anything that involves std:: and is inlined?

We can distinguish between regular and inlined functions in the signature generation but we don't have a way to express it in the lists. For the time being I'm just ignoring several namespaces from std:: whether they're inlined or not.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

(In reply to Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] from comment #4)

I've prepared a PR in bug 1791509, we won't be merging it immediately because Socorro will be frozen for a couple of weeks. If something needs to be added we can add it there.

Scratch the above, it's already been merged but it won't be deployed for a couple of weeks, so there's time to add other stuff.

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