Closed Bug 1794157 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Cannot add PGP keys to OpenPGP manager


(MailNews Core :: Security: OpenPGP, defect)

Thunderbird 102


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: alexz.muro, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [RHEL])


(2 files)

Steps to reproduce:

Created a keypair using gnupg, and exported both the secret and public key using gpg --export-secret --armor and gpg --export --armor to two separate ASC files. Attempted to add the keys to the key manager via the dropdown menu, as well as using the online key lookup. Attempted to create keypair using all variations of options in the key manager's key generator. Currently using RHEL 9.0 and Thunderbird 102.3.0.

Actual results:

Online key lookup continually "seeks" when a key is present for the desired email, but will act normally if the email is not found on When importing both private and public keys via the key manager, I get an error stating "Importing the keys failed TypeError:RNPLib is Undefined." I was able to add an external key, but it does not work, instead providing an error saying the key is not found on the keyring, even with mail.openpgp.allow_external_gnupg flag set to true. Generating a key pair via the key manager throws an error saying "OpenPGP Key generation unexpectedly failed.

Expected results:

Key manager should allow public and private keys to be imported, should recognize externally added keys, sand hould be able to import public keys from the online lookup without issue.

Component: Account Manager → Security: OpenPGP
Product: Thunderbird → MailNews Core

Please check the Error Console (Ctrl+Shift+J).
Also try if the steps work in a new Thunderbird profile. Start with thunderbird -p

Attached image Original profile

Error log from before creating a new profile, and after attempting to add/create keys via key manager.

Error log from after creating a new profile, and after attempting key generation and importing private/public keys via key manager and an email with pubkey attached.

Is your Thunderbird installed using RHEL RPM packages?
I don't know if the OpenPGP feature is working on RHEL.
My latest information is that RHEL does not ship the required low level Botan libraries that Thunderbird/RNP require for its operation.

You could try to download and run a binary from and test if that works better.

Your error console says that symbol RNPLib is undefined.
This is a strong indication that my suspicion from comment 4 is correct, and that you have a non-functional version of Thunderbird.

Right after you start Thunderbird, one of the first entries on the error console should be a log entry like the following:
"Successfully loaded OpenPGP library ..."

Do you get that?

When starting, it actually throws a warning stating "unreachable code after return statement" for BondOpenPGP.json; no references to This is the copy from the RHEL repository (just installed via dnf install thunderbird); i will download a binary copy from the site and see if it ends up working, and report back.

Downloaded 102.3.2 from the Thunderbird webpage, and OpenPGP works perfect with no issues. Thanks for the suggestion! Very strange that the version through RHEL has this issue; botan2 and botan2-devel were installed by default, but when i try to install librnp it says it cant find the botan2 or libcrypto libraries, even though they are both present.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Whiteboard: [RHEL]
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