Closed Bug 1795012 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

[wpt-sync] Sync PR 36432 - Sync interfaces/ with @webref/idl 3.19.0


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, task, P4)




108 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox108 --- fixed


(Reporter: wpt-sync, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [wptsync downstream])


(1 file)

Sync web-platform-tests PR 36432 into mozilla-central (this bug is closed when the sync is complete).

Details from upstream follow.

wpt-pr-bot <> wrote:

Sync interfaces/ with @webref/idl 3.19.0

This automated pull request updates interfaces/*.idl from @webref/idl 3.19.0.

Before merging, please check that any tests that depend on the updated IDL files still work. In particular, check for gray boxes as the check status, which usually means that some tests have regressed.

If additional changes are needed, please manually create another PR based on this one.

See the workflow for how this pull request was created, and the README for how the IDL files in this directory are used.

PR 36432 applied with additional changes from upstream: c4f3399cbaf1881773ad34d3230141c333dc9323
Component: web-platform-tests → DOM: Core & HTML
Product: Testing → Core
Attached file Notable wpt changes
# CI Results Ran 0 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI Total 13 tests and 76 subtests ## Status Summary ### Firefox `OK` : 13 `PASS`: 277 `FAIL`: 577 ### Chrome `OK` : 13 `PASS`: 708 `FAIL`: 146 ### Safari `OK` : 13 `PASS`: 372 `FAIL`: 482 ## Links [GitHub PR Head]( [GitHub PR Base]( ## Details ### Firefox-only Failures * [/fs/idlharness.https.any.html]( [[](] * FileSystemHandle interface: existence and properties of interface object: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface object length: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface object name: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface: attribute kind: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface: attribute name: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface: operation isSameEntry(FileSystemHandle): `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface: existence and properties of interface object: `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface object length: `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface object name: `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface: operation getFile(): `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface: member createSyncAccessHandle: `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: existence and properties of interface object: `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface object length: `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface object name: `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: operation getFileHandle(USVString, optional FileSystemGetFileOptions): `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: operation getDirectoryHandle(USVString, optional FileSystemGetDirectoryOptions): `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: operation removeEntry(USVString, optional FileSystemRemoveOptions): `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: operation resolve(FileSystemHandle): `FAIL` * StorageManager interface: operation getDirectory(): `FAIL` * [/fs/idlharness.https.any.worker.html]( [[](] * FileSystemHandle interface: existence and properties of interface object: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface object length: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface object name: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface: attribute kind: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface: attribute name: `FAIL` * FileSystemHandle interface: operation isSameEntry(FileSystemHandle): `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface: existence and properties of interface object: `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface object length: `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface object name: `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface: operation getFile(): `FAIL` * FileSystemFileHandle interface: operation createSyncAccessHandle(): `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: existence and properties of interface object: `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface object length: `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface object name: `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: operation getFileHandle(USVString, optional FileSystemGetFileOptions): `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: operation getDirectoryHandle(USVString, optional FileSystemGetDirectoryOptions): `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: operation removeEntry(USVString, optional FileSystemRemoveOptions): `FAIL` * FileSystemDirectoryHandle interface: operation resolve(FileSystemHandle): `FAIL` * FileSystemSyncAccessHandle interface: existence and properties of interface object: `FAIL` * FileSystemSyncAccessHandle interface object length: `FAIL` * FileSystemSyncAccessHandle interface object name: `FAIL` * FileSystemSyncAccessHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: `FAIL` * FileSystemSyncAccessHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: `FAIL` * FileSystemSyncAccessHandle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: `FAIL` * StorageManager interface: operation getDirectory(): `FAIL` * [/webauthn/idlharness.https.window.html]( [[](] * PublicKeyCredential interface: attribute authenticatorAttachment: `FAIL` * AuthenticatorAttestationResponse interface: operation getTransports(): `FAIL` * AuthenticatorAttestationResponse interface: operation getAuthenticatorData(): `FAIL` * AuthenticatorAttestationResponse interface: operation getPublicKey(): `FAIL` * AuthenticatorAttestationResponse interface: operation getPublicKeyAlgorithm(): `FAIL` * [/webrtc-stats/supported-stats.html]( [[](] * inbound-rtp's keyFramesDecoded: `FAIL` * inbound-rtp's framesDropped: `FAIL` * inbound-rtp's transportId: `FAIL` * outbound-rtp's mediaSourceId: `FAIL` * outbound-rtp's framesPerSecond: `FAIL` * outbound-rtp's keyFramesEncoded: `FAIL` * outbound-rtp's totalPacketSendDelay: `FAIL` * outbound-rtp's qualityLimitationResolutionChanges: `FAIL` * outbound-rtp's transportId: `FAIL` * remote-inbound-rtp's transportId: `FAIL` * peer-connection's dataChannelsOpened: `FAIL` * peer-connection's dataChannelsClosed: `FAIL` * peer-connection's timestamp: `FAIL` * peer-connection's type: `FAIL` * peer-connection's id: `FAIL` * media-source's trackIdentifier: `FAIL` * media-source's kind: `FAIL` * media-source's timestamp: `FAIL` * media-source's type: `FAIL` * media-source's id: `FAIL` * transport's bytesSent: `FAIL` * transport's bytesReceived: `FAIL` * transport's dtlsState: `FAIL` * transport's selectedCandidatePairId: `FAIL` * transport's localCertificateId: `FAIL` * transport's remoteCertificateId: `FAIL` * transport's tlsVersion: `FAIL` * transport's dtlsCipher: `FAIL` * transport's srtpCipher: `FAIL` * transport's timestamp: `FAIL` * transport's type: `FAIL` * transport's id: `FAIL` * candidate-pair's totalRoundTripTime: `FAIL` * candidate-pair's currentRoundTripTime: `FAIL` * candidate-pair's availableOutgoingBitrate: `FAIL` * candidate-pair's requestsReceived: `FAIL` * candidate-pair's requestsSent: `FAIL` * candidate-pair's responsesReceived: `FAIL` * candidate-pair's responsesSent: `FAIL` * local-candidate's transportId: `FAIL` * remote-candidate's transportId: `FAIL` * certificate's fingerprint: `FAIL` * certificate's fingerprintAlgorithm: `FAIL` * certificate's base64Certificate: `FAIL` * certificate's timestamp: `FAIL` * certificate's type: `FAIL` * certificate's id: `FAIL` (See attachment for full changes)
Pushed by [wpt PR 36432] - Sync interfaces/ with @webref/idl 3.19.0, a=testonly [wpt PR 36432] - Update wpt metadata, a=testonly
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 108 Branch
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