Open Bug 1797748 Opened 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Search terms persist when navigating to a non-SERP url due to an onLocationChange event via the History API


(Firefox :: Address Bar, defect, P3)





(Reporter: jteow, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Our solution to persisting the search term in the Urlbar involves referencing the originalURI, which doesn't get updated if a website updates its location via the History API.

This can result in a tab always showing the search term in the Urlbar if a user conducts a search with their default search engine and then navigates to subpages (i.e. another page, Images search) from within content.

If they try loading these subpage URLs they won't see the search term in the Urlbar.

Summary: Search terms persist when navigating to a non-SERP url due to onLocationChanges via the History API → Search terms persist when navigating to a non-SERP url due to an onLocationChange event via the History API
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