Closed Bug 1797855 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Expose new manifest mapping for Mozilla manifest-based tests and leverage explicit filename mapping for WPT "test id"-based expectations


(Webtools :: Searchfox, enhancement)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: asuth, Assigned: asuth)



Searchfox should ingest new test info information provided by :jmaher in these bugs:

  • Bug 1793691 added manifest paths to test-info-all so we can link to the files that are the source of test skip-if directives, etc.
  • Bug 1793486 enhanced the wpt-meta to identify the underlying test file that gives rise to the "test id" space in which the test info is provided.
    • Note that notionally as part of bug 1656010, but really just circling back around to that job after :jgraham pointed out that the best authoritative source for the mapping is the MANIFEST.json files (and that the changes to wpt-meta will still only provide a subset of the mapping), I have added support for ingesting the MANIFEST.json files which can give us a mapping from the test file to the relevant "test id"s. However, we still prefer the enhancements from bug 1793486 for this mapping because this ends up being reliably more coherent (in case we have to fall back to a "latest" artifact) and reduces the number of moving parts/interacting logic. In general it's preferable that our per-file info ingestion have a clear pipeline and that the searchfox ingestion stage is not doing much more than trivial transforms.

I will probably be able to finish this this weekend. (I'm filing this bug now because I'll need the bug for the remaining patches in the set and I'm doing tab cleanup right now.)

The logging enhancements and related bugs that were in front of this have been addressed (and resulted in a very nice debugging/instrumentation mechanism for this stack, available by setting PROBE_PATH prior to running crossref), enhancements/fixes have now landed in along with fixes/enhancements for bug 1656010.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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