Closed Bug 1800659 Opened 2 years ago Closed 1 year ago

WorkerRunnable/WorkerDebuggeeRunnable refactoring (eliminate cancellation and therefore ClearMainEventQueue)


(Core :: DOM: Workers, enhancement, P2)




116 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox116 --- fixed


(Reporter: edenchuang, Assigned: edenchuang)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

This is a bug for tracking our WorkRunnable refactoring.
According to, the followings are the targets for this bug.

  • Eliminate cancellation from WorkerRunnables

  • Eliminate busy count in favor of just letting workerrefs and the existence of IPC actors keep a worker alive. Simplifies worker runnable too.

  • Distinguish WorkerRunnables meant to run on the worker thread from those meant to run on the main/parent thread by having a different base class (like WorkerParentRunnable), eliminating the need to have a (still) living worker when executed shows the defects of our current implementation. And Worker's lifecycle would be much simpler after this refactoring.

Assignee: nobody → echuang
Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P2
Depends on: 1769913
See Also: → 1769913
Summary: WorkerRunnable/WorkerDebuggeeRunnable refactoring → WorkerRunnable/WorkerDebuggeeRunnable refactoring (eliminate cancellation and therefore ClearMainEventQueue, eliminate busy count)

WorkerRunnable needs not to inherit nsICancelRunnable.

Without Cancel(),WorkerRunnable::Run() would be executed even the WorkerPrivate is getting to closing/cancling/killing to release its corresponding resource.
However, WorkerRunnable::WorkerRun() is not assured can be executed as normal during the WorkerPrivate's shutting down, WorkerRunnable::Discard() is introduced to perform the specific resource releasing work.

As part of the changes here, we should also make sure that dispatch guards are relaxed. Some of this has already been explicitly mentioned in related docs, but just for clarity:

It's quite possible that we can potentially expedite work on this bug by taking the above steps and removing all calls to ClearMainEventQueue as a first step. Like, it's potentially okay for the cancel methods to be dead code for non-control-runnables, with us always running the runnables.

Blocks: 1825677
Attachment #9325477 - Attachment description: Bug 1800659 - P1 Removing WorkerRunnable's inheritance of nsICancelableRunnable. r=asuth → WIP: Bug 1800659 - P2 remove nsICancelableRunnable inheriting from WorkerRunnable. r=#dom-worker-reviewers
Attachment #9325477 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1800659 - P2 remove nsICancelableRunnable inheriting from WorkerRunnable. r=#dom-worker-reviewers → Bug 1800659 - P2 remove nsICancelableRunnable inheriting form WorkerRunnable. r=asuth

Some behavior for WorkerStatus is changed since removing the ClearMainEventQueue.
When entering “Closing”

  1. Keeping receives normal WorkerRunnables
  2. Cancel all timeout
  3. Don’t clear the main event queue anymore. But we still wait for all SyncLoops be completed.
  4. Switching to “Canceling” by asking parent thread to call WorkerPrivate::Cancel()

When entering “Canceling”

  1. Notify WorkerScope, it should start dying and stop the WebTaskScheduler
  2. Notify StrongWorkerRefs, worker is in “Canceling”, send and complete the corresponding shutdown work right now.
  3. Executing all runnables until no normal WorkerRunnables in queue and no WorkerRefs, SyncLoops and children workers
    WorkerRefs could be created in this status, but it would be notified immediatly to start shutdown behavior.
  4. Stop receiving normal WorkerRunnables and DisconnectEventTargetObjects of WorkerScope.
  5. Entering “Killing”

When entering “Killing”

  1. We would not notify WorkerRefs anymore. Logically all WorkerRefs should be released in “Canceling”
  2. Executing all remaining ControlRunnables
  3. Release corresponding resources of Worker on worker thread.

Depends on D173850

Attachment #9331153 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #9331152 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1800659 - P1 Adding log for Worker. r=#dom-worker-reviewers → Bug 1800659 - P1 Adding log for Worker. r=#dom-worker-reviewers

Marking as leave-open since this bug currently also is defined to include some other enhancements, in particular removing busy count. That said, it might make sense to create spin-off bugs for those and close this once those are filed.

Keywords: leave-open

(In reply to Andrew Sutherland [:asuth] (he/him) from comment #6)

Marking as leave-open since this bug currently also is defined to include some other enhancements, in particular removing busy count. That said, it might make sense to create spin-off bugs for those and close this once those are filed.

Yes, please create spin-off bugs, thanks.

Blocks: 1833312
Blocks: 1739294

(In reply to Jens Stutte [:jstutte] from comment #7)

Yes, please create spin-off bugs, thanks.

(In reply to Eden Chuang[:edenchuang] from comment #0)

  • Eliminate busy count in favor of just letting workerrefs and the existence of IPC actors keep a worker alive. Simplifies worker runnable too.

I have filed bug 1836700 to spin this off to a follow-up.

  • Distinguish WorkerRunnables meant to run on the worker thread from those meant to run on the main/parent thread by having a different base class (like WorkerParentRunnable), eliminating the need to have a (still) living worker when executed

I believe bug 1769913 makes sense to track this after bug 1836700 is addressed, since the elimination of the busy count can potentially eliminate the need to have worker-to-main-thread runnables be a special class at all. (As long as there is no syncloop involved.) I'm going to update that bug.

Summary: WorkerRunnable/WorkerDebuggeeRunnable refactoring (eliminate cancellation and therefore ClearMainEventQueue, eliminate busy count) → WorkerRunnable/WorkerDebuggeeRunnable refactoring (eliminate cancellation and therefore ClearMainEventQueue)
No longer depends on: 1769913
Pushed by
P1 Adding log for Worker. r=asuth
P2 remove nsICancelableRunnable inheriting form WorkerRunnable. r=asuth
P3 Remove WorkerPrivate::ClearMainEventQueue() r=asuth,smaug
Closed: 1 year ago
Keywords: leave-open
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 116 Branch
Regressions: 1839231
Blocks: 1435343
Regressions: 1873573
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