Closed Bug 180243 Opened 22 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Fast Narrow-Down Find for XUL panes


(Bugzilla :: Reporting/Charting, enhancement, P5)






(Reporter: mkanat, Assigned: nobody)




All right. I just start using duplicates.xul, and I'm already complaining! No, for real, I just had a nice idea, but I'm not sure how possible it is, because I'm not all that familiar with XUL. What I would like is a "narrow-down search" box on the page somewhere. It wouldn't query Bugzilla, it would just query the already-returned results. As I type, it would perform a search on the summaries for what I was typing. For example, let's say that I have these summaries in my pane: "Bugzilla is cool, I like this duplicates.xul" "Bugzilla is sweet" "This zilla thing confuses me" "Moz = br0k3n, j0" "I think that there's a bug in some software somewhere" Typing "Bug" in the box (without quotes) would narrow it down to: "Bugzilla is cool, I like this duplicates.xul" "Bugzilla is sweet" "I think that there's a bug in some software somewhere" Typing "zilla" in the box (without quotes) would narrow it down to: "Bugzilla is cool, I like this duplicates.xul" "Bugzilla is sweet" "This zilla thing confuses me" In addition, if you threw something like this up on a bug list view, it might ease some load off of the query engine, because people could query their own lists client-side. -M
There's a XUL service for doing this (used in Mozilla MailNews, Phoenix bookmarks, and some other places), but I couldn't get it to work the last time I tried it for duplicates.xul. Perhaps I'll have better luck next time, or perhaps you'd be interested in having a go at it.
Hrm. Maybe I'll have a go at it. It would be an interesting project. Of course, I'd have to learn XUL, but that can't be _all_ that hard. -M
Myk's baby. Gerv
Assignee: gerv → myk
I'm not working on this. I can't imagine Myk is. -M
Assignee: myk → nobody
Priority: -- → P5
Target Milestone: --- → Future
QA Contact: mattyt-bugzilla → default-qa
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Marking as WONTFIX based on our discussion in bug 380756, i.e. the removal of duplicates.xul.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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