Open Bug 1807116 Opened 1 year ago Updated 6 months ago

[Missing Features] Disable Images and Fonts on Mobile network (or completely)


(Fenix :: General, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: csadilek, Unassigned)



From github:

What is the user problem or growth opportunity you want to see solved?

I'm still a fennec Firefox user, and the only thing why I choose Firefox because it really conserve data with Disabling Images and Fonts when I'm on mobile network, and it's really useful to be used to conserve data plan OTG (On Third World Country like Indonesia, and Africa, data plan is really expensive, in Indonesia, it cost more than 2 days lavish meal, and it's normal for that data plan packages hurt a lot of people[even gov based telco companies riping people of, and censor some web of it, it's not related to this data saving feature although, DoH is]), and it's already working on fennec based browser, and hoping in the future it will still bring to Fenix browser.

How do you know that this problem exists today? Why is this important?

It's not on fenix and no one mention it on this issue [although it's on #11536 with data saver concept, but this's more bullet proof], and I think by helping people choose some only needed images then it will help a lot of people, conserve more data OTG/mobile plan, and help people in rural area having a better surfing experience on web browsing

Who will benefit from it?

Indonesian People, third world country that have expensive data plan (which telco rip them off, giving them more ability to access more information by granting them ways to conserve data plan)

This's related to #11536, Hope this will be considered, because it's already on Fennec based, and I really hope this will last across android version, or maybe event Firefox can detect the network is slow, then automatically turn off image and font intelegently(I think if it's can be more bold, also turn off CSS, haha... because if we use it only for reading, it will conserve data, a lot, really, text based information still the king of the web, for me, especially like Wikipedia, and other pages that give other people information), it will help, because data saving features of chrome, use this kind of thing/algorithm. Thank you

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Severity: -- → N/A
See Also: → 1839758
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