Open Bug 1810898 Opened 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Add info to pre-ALV check on Add/Update Root Request


(CA Program :: Common CA Database, task, P4)


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: kathleen.a.wilson, Unassigned)




(1 file)

In the AUDITS tab of an Add/Update Root Request, the button "Validate Audits [ALV]" does a pre-ALV check to help ensure that the appropriate root certificates have been associated with each audit. Currently the warning message resulting from the pre-ALV check only lists the root certificate names.

It would be very helpful for CAs and root store operators if the pre-ALV warning would indicate which audit statements to check for each listed root certificate.

For example:

Some audit statements appear to be missing for the following root certificates.

Certificate Name | Audits to apply the cert to
Root Cert 1 | Standard Audit
Root Cert 2 | EV SSL Audit, EV Code Signing Audit
Root Cert 3| Code Signing Audit

I am unsetting the tracking requests for Firefox 110 and 111 as I don't think there is something to do for these specific releases, please request tracking again with details if I am incorrect, thanks.

Severity: S1 → --
Priority: P1 → --
Whiteboard: [ccadb-enhancement]

Adding example of the current warning message. It would be very helpful to have indication about which audit statements are "missing" for each listed root certificate.

Priority: -- → P4
Duplicate of this bug: 1723018
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