Open Bug 1813808 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Refresh Fenix - reset add-ons and settings


(Fenix :: General, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: boek, Unassigned)


From github:

What is the user problem or growth opportunity you want to see solved?

It would be nice if there was a way to refresh Fenix like it's possible on desktop (reset everything except open tabs, bookmarks, passwords and collections or something like that)

How do you know that this problem exists today? Why is this important?

I tried searching for this feature, it doesn't exist, yet.
I tried looking through issues on github but searching for refresh (and related search terms) I get hundreds of issues.
Pls point me to an existing issue, if this has been reported in the past.

Fenix has been crashing regularly for me since february. I would like to try resetting everything.
Firefox Sync and deleting appdata is not an option since it doesn't sync collections.

Who will benefit from it?

People like me who have been using Firefox on Android since before Fenix.
I looked at the data. There is still lots of data from the old browser which hasn't been deleted on migration. (like open tabs in a json file)

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Severity: -- → N/A

We could use android system's android:manageSpaceActivity to achieve this, which is similar to chromium-based android browser. It contains (maybe incomplete): clear all settings and extensions (i.e. Refresh fenix), clear all data, export bookmarks.

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