Bug 1814218
Opened 2 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
Delete Repeating Event window has display issues with Titles that are very long
(Calendar :: Calendar Frontend, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: thee.chicago.wolf, Unassigned)
(2 files)
Using 110.0b. Maybe another flex issue like bug 1809491.
STR (require Today Pane being visible):
- Create a New Event that is a daily repeating event with a very, very long Title that extends beyond the field width and that will go off in 1 hour (for reproducing purposes)
- Once you've saved the event, right-click the event in the Today Pane and choose Delete Event.
Expected Result:
The Delete Repeating Event window should handle the long Title subject
Actual Result:
The Delete Repeating Event window truncates the long Title subject but creates a window that extends horizontally to the right as if were trying to accommodate the very long subject title. See image. The longer the Title subject, the wider the window that opens
Reporter | ||
Comment 1•1 year ago
Looking slightly less messy in 115.3.3 but still a lot of blank space to the right in the Delete Repeating Event window.
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