Open Bug 1814765 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Install popup and extensions panel shouldn't be stacked


(WebExtensions :: General, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: willdurand, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [addons-jira])

Rob's STR (following some discussions about Bug 1789607)

  1. Open a new FIrefox profile
  2. Install any add-on (so that the UEB can open the UEP instead of launching about:addons)
  3. Visit AMO and press the install button to focus it, hover the mouse on the UEB to be ready. Then hit Enter to start the install, and press the UEB to open the UEB.
  4. Eventually the install doorhanger pops up.
  5. Use arrow keys and/or press Enter. Notice that the UEP (hidden behind the doorhanger) is interacted with, NOT the install doorhanger

Some more notes about the post-install popup and and the app menu:

The post-install doorhanger is positioned slightly more to the right, to the extent that it's at least partially visible. And unlike the UEP, clicking elsewhere does not dismiss the post-install doorhanger.

The UEP and install doorhanger both disappear when you interact with something else.

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