Failures with various HTTP responses (301, 204, etc) in WebTransport wpt connect tests
(Core :: Networking: HTTP, defect, P2)
(Reporter: jesup, Assigned: smayya)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
(Whiteboard: [necko-triaged])
(1 file)
384.58 KB,
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There are a number of failures with the connect.https.any.js tests:
18:09.00 TEST_END: Test ERROR, expected OK. Subtests passed 1/7. Unexpected 6
FAIL WebTransport session is established with status code 204 - promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "WebTransportError: WebTransport connection rejected"FAIL WebTransport session establishment fails with status code 301 - assert_true: expected true got false
FAIL WebTransport session establishment with status code 401 - assert_true: expected true got false
FAIL WebTransport session establishment fails with status code 404 - assert_true: expected true got false
FAIL Echo back request headers - assert_equals: expected (string) "https://web-platform.test:8443" but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL Cookie header is not echoed back - assert_equals: expected (string) "https://web-platform.test:8443" but got (undefined) undefined
ERROR /webtransport/connect.https.any.serviceworker.html - Unhandled rejection: WebTransport connection rejected
Ed/Sunil: you may want to take a look at these
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Comment 1•2 years ago
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Comment 2•2 years ago
Thanks for sharing the bug Randell!. Ed and I will discuss between us and will look into this.
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Updated•2 years ago
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Updated•2 years ago
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Updated•2 years ago
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Updated•2 years ago
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Comment 3•2 years ago
Here is the list of issues that I discovered with connect tests related to 301/401/404
Issue 1
- For 301/401 we are supposed to reject these promises.
- However, as we do not read any return values on session closure Htt3Session, we treat session close as success and do not propagate the error to the resolver. Hence, these two asserts which expects the
promises to be rejected fails. - Ed has a patch for review to fix this
Issue 2
Issue 3
- With Issue 1, and Issue 2 fixed we have one more problem where the tests expect exception of type
to be thrown. However the test does not recognize it leading to failure here
- With Issue 1, and Issue 2 fixed we have one more problem where the tests expect exception of type
For Issue 3 I prepared the following patch to ensure we throw WebTransportError object. This patch re-uses exiting code from the clean-up function and I expected it to work.
void WebTransport::RejectWaitingConnection(nsresult aRv) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mState == WebTransportState::CONNECTING);
mState = WebTransportState::FAILED;
LOG(("Rejected connection %x", (uint32_t)aRv));
RefPtr<WebTransportError> error = new WebTransportError(
""_ns, WebTransportErrorSource::Session);
AutoJSAPI jsapi;
if (!jsapi.Init(mGlobal)) {
JSContext* cx =;
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> errorValue(cx);
bool ok = ToJSValue(cx, error, &errorValue);
if (!ok) {
// "Reliability returns "pending" until a connection is established" so
// we leave it pending
// This will abort any pulls for IncomingBidirectional/UnidirectionalStreams
// We never set mChild, so we aren't holding a reference that blocks GC
// (spec 5.8)
Randell, do you know if this (WebTransortError object propagation) is fully supported? Please let me know if I am missing something in my patch.
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Comment 4•2 years ago
With Randell's latest patch all the above issues has been resolved.
We are just now seeing the following issues:
Echo back request headers
Cookie header is not echoed back
The above issue is related to origin header missing from the request which is already tracked by Bug 1817560
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Comment 5•2 years ago
All issues with regard to connect tests are resolved.