Closed Bug 1818283 Opened 1 year ago Closed 1 month ago

A media element can be erroneously garbage-collected when autoplaying an inactive MediaStream


(Core :: WebRTC: Audio/Video, defect, P2)




126 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox126 --- fixed


(Reporter: bwc, Assigned: bwc)




(2 files)

This is causing intermittent failures in webrtc/protocol/rtp-demuxing.html and webrtc/protocol/bundle.https.html wpt.

This is particularly prevalent on Linux 18.04 x64 WebRender tsan opt, OS X 10.15 WebRender debug, and Windows 10 x86 2004 WebRender debug.

I know that frames are making it this far:

And I know that this is getting at least this far:

For whatever reason, those frames never make it to the video element. Any ideas on what I should be looking for here?

Flags: needinfo?(apehrson)

It looks like this happens regardless of whether it is the same stream or not. So all of our wpt that involve more than one video element are flaky for some reason.

Summary: Attaching the same remote webrtc stream to more than one video element sometimes causes both of the video elements to fail to fire events → Having more than one remote webrtc stream to more than one video element sometimes causes both of the video elements to fail to fire events

Do we wire up the right track here?
If yes, do we see the frames on the track's VideoOutput and do they end up in the video element's VideoFrameContainer?

I suppose catching this in rr/pernosco is near impossible?

Flags: needinfo?(apehrson)

This bug goes away if I add very much logging, and I really doubt it would persist under rr. I'll see if I can log the stuff you suggest without making the bug disappear.

Ugh. Might need a few select statements to pinpoint this then.

Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P2

I added a MOZ_CRASH at the offending RemoveTrack call, and it is in unlink!

Summary: Having more than one remote webrtc stream to more than one video element sometimes causes both of the video elements to fail to fire events → Having more than one remote webrtc stream to more than one video element sometimes causes the video elements to be prematurely garbage-collected
See Also: → 1811948

This is probably also causing failures (at least on TV) in setParameters-active.https.html.

Not all of the oranges here are due to hitting the MOZ_CRASH mentioned in comment 6, but most of them are. All seem to involve this early unlink, either in webrtc/protocol/rtp-demuxing.html or webrtc/simulcast/setParameters-active.https.html.

The important points here are:

  • The media element's srcObject attribute is set to a MediaStream that the application controls
  • The MediaStream is inactive
  • The media element is paused
  • The media element has the autoplay attribute set

This makes it eligible for collection.

But it shouldn't be, because if the application adds a live track to the MediaStream the media element should be playing, and potentially emitting both events and audio.

Probably easiest to add an edge from the MediaStream to the media element. This would make the media element collectable only when the MediaStream is collectable.

Summary: Having more than one remote webrtc stream to more than one video element sometimes causes the video elements to be prematurely garbage-collected → A media element can be erroneously garbage-collected when autoplaying a MediaStream
Summary: A media element can be erroneously garbage-collected when autoplaying a MediaStream → A media element can be erroneously garbage-collected when autoplaying an inactive MediaStream
See Also: → 1870477

I think this might be rearing its head again. I'm again seeing video elements in simulcast tests fail to fire loadedmetadata events, after bug 1870477 landed. If I remove the wait for loadedmetadata, the tests work fine, passing these checks:

So the video elements are getting frames and know their resolution, they just never fired a loadedmetadata event? This is a fairly easy fix if we want the tests to stop failing, but still, the lack of the event indicates a problem.

Looking at the HTMLMediaElement code, I see multiple places where we can state transition to HAVE_METADATA (or further) without firing the event. Is this intended? A quick glance at the spec indicates that we should fire the event when "readyState is newly equal to HAVE_METADATA or greater for the first time" I don't know if this is why we're having this problem, but it is easy enough to check.

Yeah, that doesn't pan out. I'm going to try adjusting the test case to proceed on 'playing' and 'loadeddata' as well as 'loadedmetadata'.

Those events aren't firing either.

Ok, I think I've found a good workaround. Appending the video elements to the document seems to resolve the problem, which is something we ought to be doing anyway so they're visible.

See Also: → 1872495
Assignee: nobody → docfaraday

This prevents HTMLMediaElements from being prematurely cycle-collected, and
also makes things a bit safer.

Depends on D205733

Pushed by
Test that GC doesn't collect a video element with a webrtc src stream. r=pehrsons
Make DOMMediaStream::TrackListener cycle-collected. r=pehrsons
Created web-platform-tests PR for changes under testing/web-platform/tests
Closed: 1 month ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 126 Branch
Upstream PR merged by moz-wptsync-bot
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