Closed Bug 1821277 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

[wpt-sync] Sync PR 38901 - Fix hint related tsst in popover attribute subtest


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, task, P4)




113 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox113 --- fixed


(Reporter: wpt-sync, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [wptsync downstream])

Sync web-platform-tests PR 38901 into mozilla-central (this bug is closed when the sync is complete).

Details from upstream follow.

Rob Buis <> wrote:

Fix hint related tsst in popover attribute subtest

If popover hint are not enabled on a platform the subtest makes a wrong assumption, fix this.

Component: web-platform-tests → DOM: Core & HTML
Product: Testing → Core

CI Results

Ran 9 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI

Total 1 tests and 244 subtests

Status Summary


OK : 1
FAIL: 244


OK : 1
PASS: 126


OK : 1
FAIL: 244


Gecko CI (Treeherder)
GitHub PR Head
GitHub PR Base


New Tests That Don't Pass

  • /html/semantics/popovers/popover-attribute-basic.html []
    • The element <div popover="" id="boolean">Pop up</div> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <div popover="">Pop up</div> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <div popover="auto">Pop up</div> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <div popover="hint">Pop up</div> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <div popover="manual">Pop up</div> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <article popover="">Different element type</article> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <header popover="">Different element type</header> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <nav popover="">Different element type</nav> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <input type="text" popover="" value="Different element type"> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <dialog popover="">Dialog with popover attribute</dialog> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <dialog popover="manual">Dialog with popover=manual</dialog> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <div popover="true">Invalid popover value - defaults to popover=manual</div> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <div popover="popover">Invalid popover value - defaults to popover=manual</div> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <div popover="invalid">Invalid popover value - defaults to popover=manual</div> should behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <div>Not a popover</div> should not behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • The element <dialog open="">Dialog without popover attribute</dialog> should not behave as a popover.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • IDL attribute reflection: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Popover attribute value should be case insensitive: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing attribute values for popover should work: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing attribute values should close open popovers: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Removing a visible popover=auto element from the document should close the popover: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • A showing popover=auto does not match :modal: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Removing a visible popover=hint element from the document should close the popover: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • A showing popover=hint does not match :modal: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Removing a visible popover=manual element from the document should close the popover: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • A showing popover=manual does not match :modal: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing the popover type in a "beforetoggle" event handler should throw an exception (during showPopover()): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing the popover type in a "beforetoggle" event handler should throw an exception (during hidePopover()): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to auto (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to auto (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to auto (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to auto (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to auto (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to auto (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to hint (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to hint (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to hint (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to hint (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to hint (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to hint (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to manual (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to manual (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to manual (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to manual (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to manual (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to manual (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to invalid (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to invalid (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to invalid (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to invalid (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to invalid (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to invalid (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to null (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to null (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to null (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to null (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to null (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to null (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to undefined (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to undefined (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to undefined (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to undefined (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to undefined (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to undefined (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to auto (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to auto (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to auto (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to auto (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to auto (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to auto (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to hint (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to hint (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to hint (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to hint (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to hint (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to hint (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to manual (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to manual (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to manual (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to manual (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to manual (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to manual (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to invalid (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to invalid (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to invalid (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to invalid (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to invalid (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to invalid (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to null (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to null (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to null (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to null (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to null (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to null (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to undefined (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to undefined (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to undefined (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to undefined (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to undefined (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to undefined (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to auto (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to auto (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to auto (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to auto (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to auto (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to auto (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to hint (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to hint (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to hint (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to hint (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to hint (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to hint (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to manual (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to manual (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to manual (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to manual (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to manual (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to manual (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to invalid (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to invalid (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to invalid (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to invalid (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to invalid (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to invalid (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to null (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to null (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to null (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to null (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to null (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to null (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to undefined (via attr), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to undefined (via attr), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to undefined (via attr), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to undefined (via attr), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to undefined (via attr), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to undefined (via attr), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to auto (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to auto (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to auto (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to auto (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to auto (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to auto (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to hint (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to hint (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to hint (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to hint (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to hint (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to hint (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to manual (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to manual (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to manual (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to manual (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to manual (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to manual (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to invalid (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to invalid (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to invalid (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to invalid (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to invalid (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to invalid (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to null (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to null (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to null (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to null (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to null (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to null (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to undefined (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to undefined (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to undefined (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to undefined (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to undefined (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from auto to undefined (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to auto (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to auto (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to auto (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to auto (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to auto (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to auto (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to hint (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to hint (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to hint (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to hint (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to hint (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to hint (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to manual (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to manual (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to manual (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to manual (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to manual (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to manual (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to invalid (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to invalid (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to invalid (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to invalid (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to invalid (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to invalid (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to null (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to null (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to null (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to null (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to null (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to null (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to undefined (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to undefined (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to undefined (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to undefined (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to undefined (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from hint to undefined (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to auto (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to auto (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to auto (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to auto (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to auto (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to auto (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to hint (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to hint (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to hint (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to hint (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to hint (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to hint (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to manual (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to manual (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to manual (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to manual (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to manual (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to manual (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to invalid (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to invalid (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to invalid (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to invalid (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to invalid (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to invalid (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to null (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to null (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to null (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to null (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to null (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to null (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to undefined (via idl), and then auto during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to undefined (via idl), and then hint during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to undefined (via idl), and then manual during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to undefined (via idl), and then invalid during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to undefined (via idl), and then null during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
    • Changing a popover from manual to undefined (via idl), and then undefined during 'beforetoggle' works: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Pushed by [wpt PR 38901] - Fix hint related test in popover attribute subtest, a=testonly
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 113 Branch
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