Open Bug 1821474 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

create list of checks to include in the OS validating test


(Testing :: General, task)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: jmaher, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


checks I can think of based off of previous issues:

  1. clipboard (cut/paste works, only a single provider)
  2. can send hotkeys (TODO: define list of keys)
  3. can send mouse move/click/scroll events
  4. can create a process and monitor the process, get std out, kill the process
  5. can create a window (i.e. firefox) and find it while iterating the windows
  6. crashreporter runs successfully
  7. fullscreen works
  8. multiple windows can open and you can toggle between them
  9. modal dialogs can be created and clicked
  10. audio in/out exists
  11. decoding h.264 (and other formats, TODO) video works
  12. screen resolution
  13. anti aliasing (for fonts)
  14. move mouse cursor/pointer
  15. desktop has no icons/files
  16. fonts (list TBD) are installed

there could be more issues- we should look at bugs on recent OSX (catalina and silicon) and win7/11 migrations. Also look at what is used for upcoming ubuntu 18->22 migration.

these will live in this bug and be used by other bugs to implement the checks.

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